Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year! / Bonne année! / ¡Feliz año nuevo! / Feliz Ano Novo!

I would like to wish the happiest of new years to all my readers.

Je souhaite à toutes/tous mes lectrices/lecteurs la meilleure des nouvelles années.

Les deseo a tod@s mis lectrices/lectores lo mejor en el año nuevo.

Desejo a tod@s @s minhas/meus leitrices/leitores o melhor no novo ano.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Am No Different / Je ne suis pas différent / No soy diferente / Non sono diverso

I am no different
from those who are born
and endlessly die,
squeezing blood from turnips
and giving the lie
to those whose cause
is always at the ready,
ever steady,
and already done
to death.

God, I miss my friend Yakov.

Je ne suis pas différent
de ceux qui sont nés
et meurent sans fin,
presser le sang des navets
et un démenti
à ceux dont la cause
est toujours prêt,
toujours stable,
et c'est fait
à mort.

Dieu, mon ami Yakov me manque.

No soy diferente
de los que nacen
y mueren sin cesar,
exprimiendo la sangre de los nabos
y dando la mentira
a aquellos cuya causa
siempre está lista,
siempre estable,
y ya hecho
a muerte.

Dios, extraño a mi amigo Yakov.

Non sono diverso
da quelli che sono nati
e muoiono all'infinito,
spremere sangue dalle rape
e dare la bugia
a coloro la cui causa
è sempre pronto,
sempre costante,
e già fatto
a morte.

Dio, mi manca il mio amico Yakov.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

He Rises with the Sun / Il se lève avec le soleil / +es, it

He rises with the sun
and greets the day,
in his customary way.

Il se lève avec le soleil
et salue la journée,
à sa manière habituelle.

Se levanta con el sol
y saluda el día
a su manera habitual.

Sorge con il sole
e saluta il giorno,
nel suo solito modo.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Friday, December 27, 2019


One of my pursuits, many years ago, was genealogy. That duty has now been taken over by one of my sisters, who is much better at it than I ever was. She has built a huge family tree, and in it there are a few famous people, including poets and writers But that is the genealogy of DNA. It may be able to tell me for which hereditary diseases I am at risk, even assess the likelihood of my drinking myself to death, as did my umpteenth cousin, Robert Burns, but it does not show my spiritual roots.

So, I've been asking myself who my spiritual ancestors were. It's a tricky question: it's easy to include either too much or too little. For now, I've come up with this list:

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Teresa of Ávila

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henry David Thoreau

Walt Whitman

the Baal Shem Tov and his wonderful, magical followers

Lalla of Kashmir

Shlomo Carlebach

There is much to say about any one of these, but it would make this writing too long. It's easier to consider what they have in common. One could say that it is a list of poets and mystics. A mystic believes that direct communication with Divinity is possible; a poet seeks to do it, and to communicate that Divinity to others.

Some common themes are apparent: simplicity of life, the eschewing of materialism, a closeness to and high regard for nature. A belief in the worth of the common man and woman.

Some will, no doubt, question my inclusion of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, who was a tragic figure in the latter part of his life. The thing is this: I can judge his actions, but I do not presume to judge the man, who was greater, worthier, than those latter actions. Life, and human nature, are full of powerful forces that can sometimes get the better of us. In the end he was only human, and so am I. He is part of my spiritual roots, and every word that he spoke or sang in my presence is engraved on my heart.

Lalla was also controversial (though for different reasons) in her time, and the misnagdim tried to bring about the downfall of the Baal Shem. Walt Whitman was an iconoclast, and I may use a photo of him in which he was as naked as I usually am to illustrate this blog post. He was also the best poet I can think of, and his poetry grew out of his love for nature.

Thoreau spent time in prison for civil disobedience. Emerson, an enigma to most of the religionists of his time and place, became my guide as a young man, when I began to think for myself.

Saint Teresa, like all mystics, was regarded with suspicion by the Church.

Saint Francis, whom we think of in connection with a simple life of voluntary poverty and closeness to nature, suffered the wrath of clerics who considered his message to be an indictment of their hypocrisy--and so it was.

All in all, I would say that it's a good, challenging, and inspiring pedigree. What's yours?

Walt Whitman, in his natural state.

Text © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

What Is There to be Said? / Que faut-il dire / + es, pt, it, eo

What is there to be said
about a naked man?
He is natural,
that is all.
It is normal,
that is all.

Que faut-il dire
à propos d'un homme nu?
Il est naturel,
c'est tout.
C'est normal,
c'est tout.

Que hay que decir
sobre un hombre desnudo?
El es natural
eso es todo.
Es normal,
eso es todo.

O que há para ser dito
sobre um homem nu?
Ele é natural
isso é tudo.
É normal,
isso é tudo.

Cosa c'è da dire
di un uomo nudo?
È naturale,
questo è tutto.
È normale,
questo è tutto.

Kion oni devas diri
pri nuda viro?
Li estas natura,
tio estas ĉio.
tio estas ĉio.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

He Sees / Il voit / Ël ve / Ele vê / ᎠᏨᏯᎢ ᎪᏩᏔᏎ

He sees,
and faithfully records.
He is diligent
in everything.

Il voit,
et enregistre fidèlement.
Il est diligent
en tout.

Él ve,
y fielmente registra.
Es diligente
en todo.

Ele vê,
e registra fielmente.
Ele é diligente
em tudo.

atsvyai gowatase
ale uwohiyuhi gowelase.
atsvyai gesvase alinigvnehi
nigadv hawina.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

He Sees All / Il voit tout / Él ve todo / Ele vê tudo / ᎠᏨᏯᎢ ᎪᏩᏔᏎ ᏂᎦᏛᏁ

He sees all
but says little,
in silence.

Il voit tout
mais dit peu,
en silence.

El ve todo
pero dice poco,
en silencio.

Ele vê tudo
mas fala pouco,
em silêncio.

atsvyai gowatase nigadvne
aseno hinegase galulogine,
eluwei hawina.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Specter / Spectre / Espectro

He is nameless
and faceless,
a specter
from past,
and future.

Il est sans nom
et sans visage,
un spectre
du passé,
le présent,
et l'avenir.

No tiene nombre
ni rostro,
un espectro
del pasado,
el presente,
y el futuro.

Ele não tem nome
nem rosto,
um espectro
do passado,
o presente,
e o futuro.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Portrait / Retrato / ᏗᏓᏟᎶᏍᏔᏅ

The light that you get
is equal to
the light that you bring.

La lumière que vous obtenez
est égal à
la lumière que vous apportez.

La luz que obtienes
es igual a
La luz que traes.

A luz que você recebe
é igual a
a luz que você traz.

ulvsada na nihi agisdase
gesvase idigadi
ulvsada na nihi ayohisdase.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

He Emerges Half-seen / Il émerge à moitié vu / +es, pt, it, cat

He emerges half-seen
from the shadows,
mysterious and sufficient
unto himself.

Il émerge à moitié vu
de l'ombre,
mystérieux et suffisant
à lui-même.

Emerge medio visto
de las sombras,
misterioso y suficiente
a sí mismo.

Ele emerge meio visto
das sombras,
misterioso e suficiente
para si mesmo.

Emerge per metà
dalle ombre,
misterioso e sufficiente
a se stesso.

Emergeix mig vist
de les ombres,
misteriós i suficient
a si mateix.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Torso / Torse / Torso / Tronco / ᎠᏰᎵ-ᎠᏰᎸ

The light reveals
what it reveals,
and leaves the rest
to us.

La lumière révèle
ce qu'elle révèle,
et laisse le reste
à nous.

La luz revela
lo que revela,
y deja el resto
para nosotros.

A luz revela
o que ela revela,
e deixa o resto
para nós.

ulvsada agadudesdase
na agadudesdase,
ale adanvsdase
itsulv nasgihai.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Quia lux es / For Light Thou Art / Car tu es lumière / Porque luz eres / Porque tu és luz / ᎢᎬᏂᏏᏍᎩ ᏂᎯ ᎨᏒᎠᏎ ᎤᎸᏌᏓ

Quia lux es
et in lucem

For light thou art,
and unto light
shalt thou return.

Car tu es lumière,
et à la lumière
tu reviendras.

Porque luz eres,
y a la luz

Porque tu és luz,
e para a luz

igvnisisgi nihi gesvase ulvsada,
ale ulvsada didla
nihi hulutsose.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

He Swims through Time and Space / Il nage dans le temps et l'espace / Él nada en el tiempo y el espacio / Ele nada no tempo e no espaço

He swims through time and space,
seeking the coiling energy
that is never wasted
and never lost,
seeking visions
at any cost,
and holding the key
of destiny.

Il nage dans le temps et l'espace,
à la recherche de l'énergie s'enroulante
qui n'est jamais gaspillée
et jamais perdue,
à la recherche de visions
à tout prix,
et tenant la clé
du destin.

Él nada en el tiempo y el espacio,
en busca de la energía serpentina
que nunca se desperdicia
y nunca se pierde,
buscando visiones
a toda costa,
y teniendo la llave
del destino.

Ele nada no tempo e no espaço,
em busca de energia serpentina
que nunca se desperdiça
e nunca se perde,
procurando visões
a todo custo,
e ter a chave
do destino

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jabobson Traxler.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Synoptica XXV - Excursus on Mt. 5:25 -- A Mystery of Translation

I remember many years ago wanting to get a New Testament in Hebrew, long before I had a source for such things on-line (and before I even had an Internet connection). Why did I want such a book? Well, it seemed to me that a good, literal translation would be very enlightening in terms of wordplay: puns, alliteration, and catchwords, in particular. I was not wrong. The first such translation to come into my hands was the nineteenth-century ttranslation of Franz Delitzsch. I remember reading the Gospel of Matthew (always my favorite) in that book, with a focus on the Sermon on the Mount. I did, indeed, find instances of wordplay, and I remember that I was particularly struck by some alliteration in Mt. 5:25.

Here's the way the verse goes in English (RSV):

"Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison;"

Now the word that appears as "guard" in the RSV, and as "officer" in the NASB and KJV, and as "ministro" in the Vulgate, is the Greek word "uperétes," which literally means "servant." But NOBODY has translated it as "servant." I don't have as many Bibles as I used to have (I did check eleven Bibles), but I do have one in Spanish, and the word used there is "alguacil," which means "beadle, court apparitor." Why is the Greek word, which means "servant," translated in all these other ways, but not as servant.

In the nineteenth century, Delitzsch (and also Salkinson, following him) used the Hebrew word "shoTEr," meaning "constable," which goes nicely with "shophET," "judge," which is repeated, to create a nice three-part alliteration. But in Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew, the word used is "eved," which means "servant."

Now, we have already seen a lot of evidence that our Greek Matthew was translated from Hebrew. Our canonical, Greek Matthew (which I call Matthew III), uses the same word as Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew. But (and this is what drew my attention) the word "servant," "eved," causes the presumed alliteration to be lost.

If we check the parallel verse in Luke (Lk. 12:58), we see that canonical, Greek Luke uses the word "práktor," which literally means "supervisor, monitor," and which the RSV translates as "officer."

One of the possibilities with which we are thus presented is that "guard/officer" where Greek Matthew has "servant" may be a case of harmonistic translation, influenced by the word in Luke.

But that explanation may be a bit too facile. According to my theory, the synoptic part of Luke was  translated into Greek from a stage of Matthew's Gospel intermediate between Matthew I (the version used by Mark) and Matthew II (Shem-Tob, approximately, but before the medieval revisions to bring it into closer agreement with the Greek). If this is true, some such word as "shoTEr" (constable, officer, guard) must have at one time been present in the Hebrew text, making the alliteration complete.

But why does the word "servant," appearing both in Shem-Tob's Hebrew and in canonical Greek never (at least in my library) get translated as "servant?"

A clue may be found, perhaps, in the word "ministro," used in the Vulgate. Let's remember that Jerome's 382 CE commission from Pope Damasus I was not to translate the New Testament from Greek, but to revise the Old Latin to bring it into closer agreement with the Greek. Let's also remember that the Old Latin, part of the "Western," or "Syro-Latin" textual tradition is older than the standard, canonical, Greek textual tradition. I submit that the use of the word "ministro" in Vulgate Matthew where one would expect "servant" may be a relic of that earlier textual tradition. We have already seen another such example in this Synoptica series, and we know that the translators of the KJV were heavily influenced by the Vulgate.

So far, so good. But why was our hypothetical "shoTEr" replaced by "eved" in the later edition of the  Hebrew, ruining the alliteration and, arguably, impoverishing the language of this verse? I'm not sure why it would have been done, but it seems to me that there are a couple of possibilities: 1) It was an intentional "dumbing down" of the text, replacing a relatively rare word with one that everybody knew, or 2) the Greek translator was himself unfamiliar with the word, a word that was probably chosen for the sake of alliteration. In this latter case, the presence of the alliteration-ruining word "eved" would be explained as a later (probably medieval) revision of the Hebrew text to bring it into closer agreement with the Greek.

As an illustration for this blog entry, I'll include a screen print of the relevant page in Salkinson's Hebrew translation, which in this case I find to be slightly preferable to that of Delitzsch.

Text © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

My body is a world / Mon corps est un monde / Mi cuerpo es un mundo / Meu corpo é um mundo

My body is a world,
a microcosm,
encompassing space
and time,
and millennia,
product of history
and evolution.
It is a tale told
in the making,
being written still.

 Mon corps est un monde,
un microcosme,
englobant espace
et temps,
et des millénaires,
produit de l'histoire
et de l'évolution.
C'est un conte raconté
dans la fabrication,
encore en cours

Mi cuerpo es un mundo,
un microcosmos
abarcando espacio
y tiempo,
años luz
y milenios,
producto de la historia
y evolución.
Es una historia contada
en proceso,
siendo escrito todavía.

Meu corpo é um mundo,
um microcosmo,
abrangente espaço
e tempo,
anos luz
e milênios,
produto da história
e evolução.
É uma história contada
na tomada,
sendo escrito ainda.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

ᎪᎳ ᏅᏓ-ᎦᏙᎬ / The Winter Solstice / Le solstice d'hiver / El solsticio de invierno / O solsticio de inverno

gola nvda-gadogv gesvase vsgiyi hawina.
hia iga squalahisdodi ale svnoyi ganvhidasdodi.
hia igohida nahnai itse tsudetiyvda alenvdase.
hia nulistanose gayoli iga hawina. alisdelisdi
itse tsudetiyvda!


The winter solstice is in December.
This is the shortest day and the night is the longest.
At this time the new year begins.
This will happen in a few days.
Happy new year!

Le solstice d'hiver est en décembre.
C'est le jour le plus court et la nuit la plus longue.
A cette époque, la nouvelle année commence.
Cela arrivera dans quelques jours.
Bonne année!

El solsticio de invierno es en diciembre.
Este es el día más corto y la noche es la más larga.
En ese momento comienza el nuevo año.
Esto sucederá en unos días.
¡Feliz año nuevo!

O solstício de inverno é em dezembro.
Este é o dia mais curto e a noite é a mais longa.
Nesse momento, o novo ano começa.
Isso acontecerá em alguns dias.
Feliz Ano Novo!

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

ᎯᎳᏴᎢ ᎠᏯ ᎧᏁᎬᎠᏎ / Quand je parle / Cuando hablo / Quando falo

hilayvi aya kanegvase ayelv nasgihai,
aya kanegvase ugodidi nasgihai.
hilayvi aya kanegvase adanvdo nasgihai,
aya kanegvase nigadv nasgihai.


When I speak for the body,
I speak for many.
When I speak for the spirit,
I speak for all.

Quand je parle pour le corps,
Je parle pour beaucoup.
Quand je parle pour l'esprit,
Je parle pour toutes et tous.

Cuando hablo por el cuerpo,
hablo por muchos.
Cuando hablo por el espíritu,
hablo por todos.

Quando falo pelo corpo,
Eu falo por muitos.
Quando falo pelo espírito,
Eu falo por todos.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

ᏄᎵᏂᎬᎬ ᎠᏕᏴᎠᏍᎦᏎ / Strength, Power, and Energy Flow / La force, la puissance et l'énergie découlent / La fuerza, el poder, y la energía fluyen / Força, poder e energia fluem

nulinigvgv adeyvasgase aqua uyelvhetso nidvlenvda.
sunalei nidvlenvda svnoyi igohida
ale hilayvi sunalei nvlase asiquo,
aya gesvase udohiye gvnodv.
nigadv didanowisgi,
nigadv adonisgi,
unvtase hiane.


Strength, power, and energy flow from my nudity.
From morning until night
and when morning comes again,
I am truly alive.
Every medicine person
and every shaman
knows this.

La force, la puissance et l'énergie découlent de ma nudité.
Du matin au soir
et quand le matin revient,
Je suis vraiment vivant.
Chaque médecin
et chaque chaman
le sait.

La fuerza, el poder y la energía fluyen de mi desnudez.
Desde la mañana hasta la noche
y cuando amanezca otra vez,
estoy realmente vivo.
Toda persona de medicina
y cada chamán
sabe esto.

Força, poder e energia fluem da minha nudez.
De manhã até a noite
e quando a manhã chegar novamente,
eu estou verdadeiramente vivo.
Todo médico
e todo xamã
sabe disso.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Monday, December 16, 2019

73,000 Visits and Happy Holidays!

Today we are passing the milestone of 73,000 visits to this poetry/photography blog. We are also doing it two days earlier than I had estimated.

These are historic times. I could just as well have said, "scary times." All over the world, Lady Justice has to fear for her life, and Mercy is scarce. There is, to make a slight change in a Jerry Lee Lewis song, a "Whole Lotta Cheatin' Goin' On." Will we be able to stop the trend in its tracks? I don't know. Only time will tell. I hope so.

In the meantime, I would like to, once again, thank you all for your continued interest and enthusiasm, and I would also like to wish you Happy Holidays, from here in the naturist bastion of Pasco Co., Florida, USA.

Thank you. Merci. Gracias. Obrigado. Wadó. ꮹꮩ.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Defined / Défini / Definido

He is defined by extremes,
not satisfied to stay
in a world of gray.

Il est défini par des extrêmes,
pas satisfait de rester
dans un monde gris.

Él se define por los extremos,
no satisfecho de quedarse
en un mundo gris

Ele é definido por extremos,
não satisfeito por ficar
em um mundo cinza.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Who Is It? / Qui? / ¿Quién es? / Quem é?

Who is it that remembers,
and remembers what?
The object of memory
is the illusion of solid
materiality in a field of
pure energy.
Is the rememberer, then,
an illusion too,
carrying on from life
to life, as time flies?
Whatever our answer,
it must be one
that satisfies.

Qui se souvient,
et se souvient de quoi?
L'objet de la mémoire
est l'illusion de solide
matérialité dans un domaine de
énergie pure.
Est-ce celui qui se souvient, alors,
une illusion aussi,
continuant d'une vie
à l'autre, alors que le temps passe?
Quelle que soit notre réponse,
ça doit être une
qui satisfasse.

¿Quién es el que recuerda?
y recuerda que?
El objeto de la memoria.
es la ilusión de sólida
materialidad en un campo de
energía pura.
Es el que recuerda, entonces,
una ilusión también,
continuando de una vida
a otra, mientras que el tiempo vaga?
Cualquiera sea nuestra respuesta,
debe ser una
que satisfaga.

Quem é que se lembra,
e lembra o que?
O objeto da memória
é a ilusão de sólida
materialidade em um campo de
energia pura.
É quem se lembra, então,
uma ilusão também,
continuando de uma vida
para outra, enquanto o tempo voa?
Seja qual for a nossa resposta,
deve ser uma
que satisfaz.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Friday, December 13, 2019

There is a space / Il y a un espace / Hay un espacio / Existe um espaço

There is a space
between the worlds
where our power is intact.
There is a place
where magic is a fact.

Il y a un espace
entre les mondes
où notre pouvoir est intact.
Il y a une place
où la magie est un fait.

Hay un espacio
entre los mundos
donde nuestro poder está intacto.
Hay un lugar
donde la magia es un hecho.

Existe um espaço
entre os mundos
onde nosso poder está intacto.
Tem um lugar
onde a magia é um fato.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.ꭰꮥꮈ-ꭴꮑꭼ ꭽᏸꮃꮝꮧ-ꭶꮕꭿꮣ.

Synoptica XXIV - Excursus on Mt. 5:30

We now know many things that we did not know two or three thousand years ago. We know, for example, that the Earth goes around the Sun, and that the age of the Earth is approximately 4,500,000,000 years, not some 6,000 as biblical literalists have believed. We know that approximately ten percent of individuals in every mammalian species are homosexual. If indeed there is a God, then God created them that way. If the men of Sodom were guilty of something, we must look elsewhere.

We now know, though we only learned it in the twentieth century, that all human males masturbate, and so do fifty percent of women. The sin of Onan was not that he "spilled his seed on the ground," but that he failed to fulfill the Law of the Levirate, by which a man takes to wife the wife of his deceased brother and fathers children, so that the brother may have progeny. And yet churches and religions all over the world burden young men and women with feelings of guilt for a behavior that is natural and normal.

Recently, when I was studying the Gospel of Matthew in its original, Hebrew language, I found that I had a strong dislike of the following verse (Mt. 5:30):

"Also, if your hand seduces you, cut it off. It is better for you to suffer the loss of one of your limbs than all your body in Gehenna." (Some Greek texts even say "right hand.")

My dislike of the verse was not so much as a possible reference to masturbation, but because of its barbarity, extremism, and contempt for what God has created. I was relieved, therefore, to learn that the verse was absent from some of the best and some of the oldest texts of the "Western" (Syro-Latin) tradition, which appears to be older than the Greek textual tradition. In other words, the verse is quite possibly spurious, added by some anemic prude who thought he was improving the text of the Gospel.

Text © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Synoptica XXIII - Doing the Work (or trying to)

Not to make excuses for the slowness of the work, I'd like to give an example of what it's like to actually be attempting a corroborative (or not) analysis of Shem-Tob's Hebrew Matthew. For this example I'll use the page of HEBREW GOSPEL OF MATTHEW by George Howard (Macon, Georgia, USA: Mercer University Press, 1995) that has been open next to my computer keyboard for a couple of weeks now, p. 19, covering Mt 5:19-30.

First of all, in my transcribing of the Hebrew text in preparation for pointing the Hebrew of this chapter of Matthew, I've reached the top of this page (or rather, the facing one). Transcribing isn't too difficult, but life gets in the way, and I have many interests. The actual pointing of the text is much more laborious. I am doing it to help myself and others to deal with an unpointed text in Biblical Hebrew. I am not a real Hebraist, as is Professor Howard, so my method is to refer to a Hebrew dictionary, to the two nineteenth-century translations of Matthew into Biblical Hebrew that are available to me (that of Delitzsch and that of Salkinson), and to a grammar of Biblical Hebrew (to look up verb forms). For me it's a daunting task, but I'm finding it to be a very educational one.

Looking at p. 19, I see that I've underlined three introductory phrases of the type "At that time Jesus said to his disciples." They occur at Mt. 5:20, 5:25, and 5:27. Professor Howard dealt with the extraordinary evidence of Matthew's compositional process presented by such introductory statements, on pp. 200-201. They have all been edited out of canonical, Greek Matthew (my Matthew III). Still, I need to be aware of them, in case any of them should appear in a textual tradition other than Hebrew Matthew. So far, none has, and this is a testament to the primitive nature of the Hebrew textual tradition in Matthew.

Also on p. 19, I see a penciled note at 5:27, underlining the phrase "to those of long ago," with the notation "Syr-c." It's a notation I made years ago, and I don't know where I got the information from. Both the Curetonian Syriac and the Sinaitic Syriac were discovered in the nineteenth century, and would have been unavailable to Shem-Tob in the fourteenth. Before I get too excited about this, though, I have to check to see whether this phrase appears in any textual tradition other than the Old Syriac. As it turns out, it does. Referring to my old and worn copy of the Nestlé-Aland NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECE (which is NA25, by the way), I see in the apparatus to the verse that the phrase in question also appears in the Old Latin, many Greek witnesses, Irenaeus, and the Vulgate. This last is especially significant, because Shem-Tob would certainly have had access to the Vulgate, a fact that critics will be quick to pounce upon. Checking my edition of the Vulgate, I see that the word "antiquis" is indeed there. Incidentally, the same word would be used in Latin for "to the ancients" or "by the ancients," and this is why the KJV, whose translators were heavily influenced by the Vulgate, has "by them of old time." But such ambiguity does not exist in Hebrew, so we now know that the correct preposition is "to," not "by."

Sometimes the variants for a single verse will make your head spin. This is the case with Mt. 5:30, where D (the Greek part of Codex Bezae) and a few others, along with Syr-s (Sinaitic Syriac. a palimpsest ms of the fourth century, which is one of only two Old Syriac mss that have survived to our time, as well as the oldest and best) omit the whole verse. Some of the Greek mss say "right hand" instead of just "hand" as in the Hebrew. The word "right" may have been inserted into some families of Greek texts by analogy with "right" in verse 29. Its absence in the Hebrew suggests that it was not originally there, and no other textual tradition tells us this. One of the best takeaways from this is that Hebrew Matthew is not a translation of any known text or text type, but belongs to a unique text type. The suggestion by some of Professor Howard's critics that Shem-Tob may have simply "translated the Vulgate" shows that they were ignorant of his actual findings, which they had not bothered to read. Their closed minds did not deem it to be necessary.


Text © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

His Mind Is Inquisitive / Son esprit est curieux / Su mente es inquisitiva / Sua mente é curiosa

His mind is inquisitive,
truth he does not reject.

Son esprit est curieux,
il ne rejette pas la vérité.

Su mente es inquisitiva,
él no rechaza la verdad.

Sua mente é curiosa,
ele não rejeita a verdade.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Synoptica XXII - Some Background

Countless careers have been built on the foundation of the fallacious notion, encouraged and abetted by the institutional Church, that the oldest, and indeed original, text of the Gospels is the Greek. Many of those who dared to dispute this erroneous hypothesis have had their own careers wrecked because of it.

About ten years ago I read an amazing and eye-opening book: THE SYRO-LATIN TEXT OF THE GOSPELS, by Frederick Henry Chase (published in 1895). Up to that time I had never heard of the book (or the author), but I immediately recognized its importance. Many, unfortunately, still haven't.

In his book, Chase showed that the text type that Westcott and Hort had referred to as "Western," and which he more appropriately called "Syro-Latin," was older than even the best Greek text. In other words, the textual type represented by the oldest surviving Old Syriac (Syr-s, the Sinaitic Syriac) and the oldest surviving Old Latin (k, known as Bobiensis or Bobbiensis) is older than the best Greek textual type, represented by א (Codex Sinaiticus) and B (Codex Vaticanus). Chase further hypothesized that the Syro-Latin text type likely originated in Antioch.

The owners of the aforementioned careers were not, and are not, pleased. An exception, as pointed out by William L. Petersen in his Collected Essays, was B. F. Westcott, who (in the 1896 2nd Ed. of his and Hort's classic book) had the honesty to admit, in spite of a lifetime spent supporting the dominant, "Greek" hypothesis, that Chase was likely right.

There has been a conspiracy of silence, and it did not begin recently, or even in modern times.

In 382 CE, Pope Damasus I commissioned Jerome to produce a revision of the Old Latin version of the Gospels, then in use. This Jerome did, and he eventually extended the work to include the entire Bible. This had the effect of bringing the accepted Latin text into closer agreement with the Greek text. There was a parallel development in the Syriac-speaking countries, with the Old Syriac being replaced by the Peshitta, sometimes referred to as the Vulgate of the East. These newer translations, supporting the Greek texts more closely, eventually became official, and the old versions, especially of the Syriac, were suppressed (to the extent that only two mss of the Old Syriac, both discovered in the nineteenth century have survived to our own time).

For some reason (or perhaps for many reasons), the institutional Church wanted to hang its hat on the Greek textual tradition, claiming it to be the original. But the truth, as we have shown in this series and elsewhere in this blog, is that, at least for the Gospel of Matthew, there was an earlier version, and it was written in Hebrew. Our canonical, Greek Matthew, was translated from an earlier Hebrew Matthew. That Hebrew Matthew survives, at least partly and with medieval emendations apparently intended to bring it more into line with the Greek, to our own time.

When George Howard published his 1987 book, The Gospel of Matthew according to a Primitive Hebrew Text, it was met with fury from the academic establishment, although Howard was a member in good standing of that establishment. That fury apparently induced him to walk back some of his assertions in his second edition (1995), which he simply titled Hebrew Gospel of Matthew. I have had Howard's second edition for years, and now also have his first. Professor Howard obviously continued his analysis between 1987 and 1995, but even in the 1995 edition, his analysis is only summarized. A great amount of work remains to be done.

In working with the Shem-Tob Hebrew Matthew, I have to do my own analysis. My conclusions will not necessarily be the same as those of Howard, and they are already not the same. But neither are they in opposition to his, and they agree much more than they disagree. Only time will tell, and the job is far too big for any one person.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Holy crap! / Merde! / ¡Santo cielo! / Caralho!

Holy crap! Did I drop TWO acid tabs?

Merde! Ai-je mangé DEUX comprimés d'acide?

¡Santo cielo! ¿Comí DOS tabletas de ácido?

Caralho! Eu comi DOIS comprimidos de ácido?

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

After Many Years / Après de nombreuses années / Después de muchos años / Após muitos anos / ᎤᎪᏗᏗ ᏧᏕᏘᏴᏓ ᎤᎶᏐᏅ

After many years of meditation, the hermit emerges from his cave, blinded by the light. He asks, "What are you looking at?" But no one understands his language.

Après de nombreuses années de méditation, l'ermite émerge de sa grotte, aveuglé par la lumière. Il demande: "Que regardez-vous?" Mais personne ne comprend sa langue.

Después de muchos años de meditación, el ermitaño emerge de su cueva, cegado por la luz. Él pregunta: "¿Qué estás mirando?" Pero nadie entiende su idioma.

Após muitos anos de meditação, o eremita emerge de sua caverna, cego pela luz. Ele pergunta: "O que você está olhando?" Mas ninguém entende sua língua.

ugodidi tsudetiyvda ulosonv agowadvdi-ayasdo vhnai, utselidv agayvlo nvlase doyegi utseli usdagalv nidvlenvda, digewita ulvsada gvdodi. atsvyai adadvdodase, "gado usdi nihi hagatase?" aseno tlagiloi golisdase utseli gawonihisgine.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Monday, December 9, 2019

I Have No Need for Secrets / Je n'ai pas besoin de secrets / No necesito secretos / Não preciso de segredos

I have no need for secrets,
there is nothing I cannot tell.
What needs be said is said,
the rest can go to hell.

Je n'ai pas besoin de secrets,
il n'y a rien que je ne puisse dire.
Ce qui doit être dit est dit,
le reste peut aller en enfer.

No necesito secretos,
No hay nada que no pueda decir.
Lo que hay que decir se ha dicho,
el resto al infierno puede ir.

Não preciso de segredos,
não há nada que eu não possa dizer.
O que precisa ser dito é dito,
o resto para o inferno pode ir.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

ᎤᏰᎸᎭ ᎠᎦᏙᎲᏍᏗ 76 - saloli ale gule disgonihi / L'écureuil et la colombe

saloli ale gule disgonihi alenidohase utloyi tlugvdi hawina. nasgidv iyudaliha ganohilidasdase itsule. nasgidv tla alasdase. nasgidv unvtase yeliquu nigadv nasgihai.gesvase yeliquu nigadv nasgihai igvnisisgi tlagiloi gesvase ugasalesgi. nasgidv tla uduladase danuwadine. nasgidv yeliquase alenidohi dohiyi hawina. yvwi yeliquase gadolequa saloli ale gule disgonihi nidvlenvda.


L'écureuil et la colombe vivent dans les mêmes arbres. Ils recherchent souvent de la nourriture ensemble. Ils ne se battent pas. Ils savent qu'il y en a assez pour tout le monde, il y en a assez, car personne n'est gourmand. Ils n'ont pas besoin de guerres. Ils peuvent vivre en paix. Les humains peuvent apprendre de l'écureuil et de la colombe.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Hawk Is on the Horizon / Le faucon est à l'horizon / El halcón está en el horizonte / O falcão está no horizonte / ᏔᏬᏗ ᎨᏒᎠᏎ ᎦᎸᎶᎢ-ᎡᎶᎯ ᎠᏍᏓᏅᏅ ᎾᎿ

The hawk is on the horizon,
the lizard sleeps in the sun.
All will be made known
when day is done.

Le faucon est à l'horizon,
le lézard dort au soleil.
Tout sera connu
quand le jour est terminé.

El halcón está en el horizonte,
el lagarto duerme al sol.
Todo se dará a conocer
cuando termina el día.

O falcão está no horizonte,
o lagarto dorme ao sol.
Tudo será divulgado
quando o dia terminar.

tawodi gesvase galvloi-elohi asdanvnv nahna,
tiyohali galvdase nvda-agaliho hawina.
nigadv gesvose agadudesdita
iyuno iga gesvose asquadisdita.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

He Lives Each Day / Il vit chaque jour / El vive cada día / Ele vive todos os días / ᎠᏨᏯᎢ ᎠᎴᏂᏙᎭᏎ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎢᎦᏁ

He lives each day
in his own way.

Il vit chaque jour
à sa manière.

El vive cada dia
a su manera.

Ele vive todos os dias
à sua maneira.

atsvyai alenidohase nigadv igane
utseli galohisdi hawina.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Summer and Winter / Été comme hiver / Verano e invierno / Verão e inverno

Summer and winter, he lives in his skin,
and there is nothing to say.

Été comme hiver, il vit dans sa peau,
et il n'y a rien à dire.

Verano e invierno, vive en su piel,
y no hay nada que decir.

Verão e inverno, ele vive em sua pele,
e não há nada a dizer.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

He Lives on the Border / Il vit au bord / Vive al borde / Ele vive na fronteira

He lives on the border of darkness and light,
dancing and whirling into the night.

Il vit au bord de l'obscurité et de la lumière,
dansant et tournant dans la nuit.

Vive al borde de la oscuridad y la luz,
bailando y girando en la noche.

Ele vive na fronteira das trevas e da luz,
dançando e girando na noite.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

The Hawk Is on the Horizon / Le faucon est à l'horizon / El halcón está en el horizonte / O falcão está no horizonte

The hawk is on the horizon,
the boundary of day and night,
sowing the sacred seed
of solar light.

Le faucon est à l'horizon,
la limite du jour et de la nuit,
semant la graine sacrée
de la lumière solaire.

El halcón está en el horizonte,
el límite del día y la noche,
sembrando la semilla sagrada
de luz solar.

O falcão está no horizonte,
o limite do dia e da noite,
semeando a semente sagrada
de luz solar.

Text © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

ayotlidi equa-adanvdo vhnai / Children of the Great Spirit / Enfants du Grand Esprit / Hijos del Gran Espíritu / Filhos do Grande Espírito

nigadv itsula gesvase ayotlidi equa-adanvdo vhnai,
ale tla gesvase niga igadv ayelv na tla gesvase equa-adanvdo nidvlenvda.
gesvase vtlagohusdi adisgalodi.


We are all children of the Great Spirit,
and there is not any part of the body that is not from the Great Spirit.
There is nothing to hide.

Nous sommes tous des enfants du Grand Esprit,
et il n'y a aucune partie du corps qui ne soit pas du Grand Esprit.
Il n'y a rien à cacher.

Todos somos hijos del Gran Espíritu,
y no hay ninguna parte del cuerpo que no sea del Gran Espíritu.
No hay nada que esconder.

Somos todos filhos do Grande Espírito,
e não há nenhuma parte do corpo que não seja do Grande Espírito.
Não há nada a esconder.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Question of the Future (+ 8 translations)

The question of the future, if we have a future, will be whether to ally ourselves with organized crime, or with environmental progress. The latter, you say? Then why are we not doing it?

La question de l'avenir, si nous en avons un, sera de nous allier au crime organisé ou au progrès de l'environnement. Ce dernier, vous dites? Alors pourquoi ne le faisons-nous pas?

La cuestión del futuro, si tenemos un futuro, será si nos aliamos con el crimen organizado o con el progreso ambiental. ¿El último, dices? Entonces, ¿por qué no lo hacemos?

A questão do futuro, se tivermos um futuro, será nos aliarmos ao crime organizado ou ao progresso ambiental. O último, você diz? Então por que não estamos fazendo isso?

Вопрос о будущем, если у нас есть будущее, будет состоять в том, объединяться ли мы с организованной преступностью или с экологическим прогрессом. Последний, говорите? Тогда почему мы этого не делаем?

如果我们有未来,未来的问题将是与有组织犯罪或环境进步结盟。 后者,您说呢? 那我们为什么不这样做呢?

भविष्य का सवाल, अगर हमारे पास भविष्य है, तो यह होगा कि क्या खुद को संगठित अपराध के साथ, या पर्यावरणीय प्रगति के साथ सहयोगी बनाना है। उत्तरार्द्ध, आप कहते हैं? फिर हम क्यों नहीं कर रहे हैं?

إن مسألة المستقبل ، إذا كان لدينا مستقبل ، هي ما إذا كان علينا أن نتحالف مع الجريمة المنظمة ، أو مع التقدم البيئي. هذا الأخير ، تقول؟ ثم لماذا لا نفعل ذلك؟

La demando de la estonteco, se ni havas estontecon, estos ĉu alianci nin kun organizita krimo, aŭ kun media progreso. Ĉi-lasta, vi diras? Tiam kial ni ne faras ĝin?

He Is All Time and No Time / Il est tous les temps et aucun temps / Él es todos los tiempos y ningún tiempo / Ele é todos os tempos e nenhum tempo / ᎠᏨᏯᎢ ᎨᏒᎠᏎ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎢᎪᎯᏓ ᎠᎴ ᎧᏂᎩᏛ

He is all times and no time,
all peoples and none.
He greets all equally,
his world is one.

Il est tous les temps et aucun temps,
tous les peuples et aucun.
Il salue tous et toutes également,
son monde est un.

Él es todos los tiempos y ningún tiempo,
todos los pueblos y ninguno.
Saluda a todos y todas por igual,
su mundo es uno.

Ele é todos os tempos e nenhum tempo,
todos os povos e nenhum.
Ele cumprimenta todos e todas igualmente,
o mundo dele é um.

atsvyai gesvase nigadv igohida ale kanigidv,
nigadv yvwi kanigidv ale.
atsvyai adalihelisdase nigadvne idigade,
utseli equa-elohi gesvase saquu.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

atsvyai alenidohase ulvsada hawina / Il vit dans la lumière / El vive en la luz / Ele vive na luz / He Lives in Light

atsvyai alenidohase ulvsada hawina,
ale gesvase ulvsada,
aseno ulasigetso gvgawadvdigase atsvyaine.

Il vit dans la lumière,
et il est la lumière,
mais l'obscurité le rend visible.

El vive en la luz,
y es la luz,
pero la oscuridad lo hace visible.

Ele vive na luz,
e ele é a luz,
mas a escuridão o torna visível.

He lives in light,
and he is the light,
but darkness makes him visible.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

72,000 Visits and an Extra Blanket on the Bed in Florida

In ancient Egyptian iconography, the sun is often depicted with life-giving rays, each one tipped with the famous "ankh" symbol, which looks like this:

The meaning of the symbol is "life," sacred in the ancient Egyptian religion.

You will often see people wearing a little gold pendant formed of the Hebrew letters חי, pronounced "chai," having the same meaning. Even Elvis Presley sometimes wore such a pendant. Because the Hebrew letters have a numerical value of 18, gifts of money, especially to children, are often given in multiples of 18. When Jews raise a glass to toast, they traditionally say "l'chayim," "to life." Again, life is sacred.

The "ankh" symbol, which is said to represent the vagina, uterus, and Fallopian tubes, became, in modified form, the symbol of the planet Venus, known in astrology for its beneficial qualities. Eventually it came to mean "female," or "women," and was incorporated into the symbol for the Feminist movement.

In the Cherokee and Udugi languages life, ꭵꮄꮒꮩꮂ, is considered sacred. Among Native Americans generally, nature is considered sacred, and we are its custodians.

In India, gifts are often given in multiples of 108. This number, considered sacred in India, where a prayer rosary has 108 beads, has lunar significance. The moon, of course, is associated with women because of their menstrual cycles, and therefore with life, which is again sacred.

That brings us back full circle to where we started. All over the world, life is considered sacred.

The greatest threat to our lives, and to life on Earth, is not abortion; it is human-caused climate change. Think about that.

Thanks, as always, to all my readers for their continued interest and enthusiasm. Wadó. ꮹꮩ.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

atsvyai gesvase ulvsada / ᎠᏨᏯᎢ ᎨᏒᎠᏎ ᎤᎸᏌᏓ / Il est lumière

atsvyai gesvase ulvsada ulasigetso hawina.


Il est lumière dans l'obscurité.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

He Stares Into the Bonfire of Time / Il regarde dans le feu de joie du temps / Él mira a la hoguera del tiempo / Ele olha para a fogueira do tempo / ᎠᏨᏯᎢ ᎭᎦᏔᏎ ᎢᎦᏘᎭᎢ ᏙᏱ-ᎪᏛᎢ ᎾᎿᎢ ᎢᎪᎯᏓ ᎥᎿᎢ

He stares into the bonfire of time,
not telling what he sees.

Il regarde dans le feu de joie du temps,
sans dire ce qu'il voit.

Él mira a la hoguera del tiempo,
sin decir lo que ve.

Ele olha para a fogueira do tempo,
não dizendo o que ele vê.

atsvyai hagatase igatihai doyi-godvi nahnai igohida vhnai,
ale tla hinegase na gowatase.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

We Cannot Have Contempt / Nous ne pouvons pas mépriser / No podemos despreciar / Não podemos desprezar / ᎢᏧᎳ Ꮭ ᏰᎵᏆᏎ ᎠᏲᎠᏎᏗᎢ

We cannot have contempt for what God has made.

Nous ne pouvons pas mépriser ce que Dieu a créé.

No podemos despreciar lo que Dios ha creado.

Não podemos desprezar o que Deus criou.

itsula tla yeliquase ayoasedii na gotlvdise equa adanvdo.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Matthew Ten Twenty-Six

There is nothing covered that will not be shown,
nor hidden that will not be known.

--Mt. 10:26, translation by Donald Traxler

Il n'y a rien de couvert qui ne sera pas montré,
ni caché qui ne sera pas connu.

No hay nada cubierto que no se mostrará,
ni oculto que no se sabrá.

Não há nada coberto que não seja mostrado,
nem oculto que não será conhecido.

אין דבר שלא יראה ולא נעלם שלא יודע׃

אין מכוסה שום דבר שלא יוצג,
ולא מוסתר שלא יהיה ידוע.

Translation and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Yes / Oui / Sí / Sim / Ꭵ

Yes, the body remembers.

Oui, le corps s'en souvient.

Sí, el cuerpo recuerda.

Sim, o corpo se lembra.

v, ayelv anvdadisdase.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

By Looking Inside / En regardant à l'intérieur / Al mirar adentro / Ao olhar para dentro / ᎭᎦᏔ ᎭᏫᏂ ᎬᏙᏗ

By looking inside,
he sees outside.

En regardant à l'intérieur,
il voit dehors.

Al mirar adentro,
él ve afuera.

Ao olhar para dentro,
ele vê lá fora.

hagata hawini gvdodi,
atsvyai gowatase doyehi didla.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Where do all these visits to the poetry/photography blog come from?

As I write this, we have had 71,766 visits to this blog. I can show you where they came from this past week, but I can't explain it.

So there you have it, at least for the past week. I can't explain it. Russia is high, the US is low (maybe we have other things on our minds these days).

If you celebrate it, happy Thanksgiving.

The Words Pass Through Him / Les mots passent à travers lui /

The words pass through him,
unimpeded and undistorted,
unobstructed by dogma
or design.

Les mots passent à travers lui,
sans entrave et sans distorsion,
non obstrué par le dogme
ou la conception.

Las palabras pasan a través de él
sin trabas y sin distorsiones,
sin obstáculos por el dogma
o diseño.

As palavras passam por ele,
desimpedido e sem distorção,
desobstruído pelo dogma
ou disenho.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

He Is Made of Light and Shadow / Il est fait d'ombre et de lumière / Él está hecho de luz y sombra / Ele é feito de luz e sombra / ᎠᏨᏯᎢ ᎨᏒᎠᏎ ᎪᏢᏗᏔ ᎤᎸᏌᏓ ᎠᎴ ᎤᏓᏴᎳᏛ ᎥᎿᎢ /

He is made of light and shadow,
the past, the present, and the future.

Il est fait d'ombre et de lumière
le passé, le présent et le futur.

Él está hecho de luz y sombra,
el pasado, el presente y el futuro.

Ele é feito de luz e sombra,
o passado, o presente e o futuro.

atsvyai gesvase gotlvdita ulvsada ale udayvladv vhnai,
tsuwagutanvsv, noquuhida, ale uwagudidisv.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

She Is a Goddess / Elle est une déesse / Ella es una diosa / Ela é uma deusa

She is a goddess,
she is a witch,
she is Kali,
she is the dark womb
of the universe.

Elle est une déesse,
elle est une sorcière,
elle est Kali,
elle est le ventre noir
de l'univers.

Ella es una diosa
ella es una bruja
ella es Kali
ella es la matriz oscura
del universo.

Ela é uma deusa
ela é uma bruxa,
ela é Kali,
ela é o útero escuro
do universo.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler. Black-and-white illustration is from an original color lithograph by Félix Labisse, in my collection.

His History / Son histoire / Su historia / Sua história / ᎤᏤᎵ ᎧᏃᎮᏍᎩ

His history is a mystery.

Son histoire est un mystère.

Su historia es un misterio.

Sua história é um mistério.

ההיסטוריה שלו היא תעלומה.

Η ιστορία του είναι ένα μυστήριο.

Historia eius mysterium est.

Is Mystery é a stair.

זיין געשיכטע איז אַ מיסטעריע

Його історія - таємниця

Hans historia är ett mysterium.

Hänen historiansa on mysteeri

उनका इतिहास एक रहस्य है

ʻO kona mōʻaukala he mea huna

Tarihi bir gizemdir




utseli kanohesgi gesvase usquanigodi


Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

Monday, November 25, 2019

He Sees Beyond / Il voit au-delà / Él ve más allá / Ele vê além

He sees beyond the bonfire of today,
and will inhabit the bonfires
of many tomorrows.

Il voit au-delà du feu de joie d'aujourd'hui,
et il habitera les feux de joie
de nombreux lendemains.

Él ve más allá de la hoguera de hoy,
y habitará las hogueras
de muchos mañanas.

Ele vê além da fogueira de hoje,
e ele vai habitar as fogueiras
de muitos amanhãs.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.