Tuesday, December 6, 2016


It's a different kind
of body shame:
not body-type
(though that came
later), but just
HAVING a body.

Oh yes, we've laughed
about it, my sister
and I: "Traxlers don't
have bodies," we
often say. But where
did it start, and
how? Why, at the
age of ten, did the
very word,
make me blush?

What was the shame
in having a body?
Why the secrecy
about certain parts
which must,
at all costs,
be kept hidden?
Why the blushing?

It will not happen
again. Perhaps
my naturism
has gone too
far. But,
you see,
it took me
many years to
get a body,
and now that
I have one,
I won't easily
give it up.

6 Dec. 2016