Protect me O Lord,
because I have hoped in You,
saying to the Lord,
You are my Lord
because I have no
welfare apart from You.
As for the "holy and mighty ones"
who are in the land,
my whole desire concerning them
is that the sorrows of those
who follow them
should be multiplied.
I shall not offer
their libations of blood
nor place their names
upon my lips.
The Lord is my portion of inheritance
and my cup.
It is You who are the master
of my fate.
Boundary lines dropped for me
in the most beautiful places
and my inheritance
is most special to me.
I shall bless the Lord
who has given me counsel,
and by night my heart
gives me instruction.
I shall keep the Lord always in my sight,
for with Him at my right hand,
I shall not be shaken.
Because of this,
my heart rejoices
and my glory exults,
and my body shall
live in hope,
for You will not
abandon my soul
to hell,
or let your devoted one
see corruption.
You have made known to me
the path of life.
You have filled me with joy
with your presence,
in your right hand
are delights
Translation Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler.