Wednesday, May 24, 2017

PSALM 29 (30)

I will exalt you, O Lord,
for you have saved me,
and you have not preferred
my enemies to me.
O Lord, my God, I have
cried out to you,
and you have healed me.
O Lord, you have led my soul
out of the inferno,
you have vivified me
so that I might not descend
into the pit.
Sing to the Lord,
all his saints,
and proclaim the memory
of his holiness,
for his anger lasts
but a moment,
and his benevolence
is lifelong.
Weeping dwells
in the evening,
and in the morning
there is joy.
But I said in my abundance,
"I shall not be moved forever."
O Lord, by your will
you made my strength
like a mountain,
but you hid your face
and I was troubled.
I will cry out to the Lord,
and I will beg the Lord.
What is the use of my blood
if I should fall into corruption?
Will the dust confess you
or announce your truth?
Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me,
O Lord, be my help.
You have changed my tears into joy,
you have torn away
my cloak of mourning
and girded me with gladness,
that my glory might praise you
and not be silent.
O Lord, my God,
I shall praise you