Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Notes on the Public Hearing in the Congress of Mexico on 12 Sept 2023 - Part VI


The final speaker on the panel was Ricardo Rangel Martínez, who is an expert on immunogenetics and histocompatibility. This was the most difficult portion of the hearing for me to translate, because it was very detailed and very technical. Please forgive any errors or omissions.

Mr. Rangel Martínez mentioned the possibility of contamination of DNA samples by terrestrial organisms, insects, and pollen. Also, persons who manipulated these tissues might not have done so with the necessary precautions. He said that the process of sequencing used for ancient DNA is that of "next-generation massive sequencing. This was done in a sequencer of the Ilumina brand, which permits sequencing of millions of fragments at the same time. The results of this sequencing were the following: Sample 0002, basically from a neck bone, 561,665,320 reading sequences; another sample, 704, which was muscle tissue from the hip, 501,700,245 reading sequences. Each reading sequence has a length of 150 nucleotides. Later, these were loaded into the Reading Sequences Archive or SRA, according to its initials in English, the use of this analysis tool being free through the National Center for Biological Information of the National Library of Medicine (?) of the USA. This tool compares a sample with all known genomes in the database. Neck bone sample: 72.0% known, including 70% contaminants from Homo Sapiens, the rest being known viruses and bacteria. 28.0% did not coincide with any of the genomes known so far. Sample from the hip: 36.2% of reading sequences coincided with identifiable genomes. 63.8% did not coincide with the genomes of any beings known at present. This sample gives a 90% probability of non-relation to humans, and a 50% probability of non-relation to any beings of our planet.

These studies are freely accessible at the links shown below:

(This is the sixth of six parts of this series of transcriptions of my notes on this public hearing. The series is now complete.)

Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler. I do not own the images.