Saturday, September 15, 2018

I am happy to announce that this poetry blog has now received 44,000 visits since its inception. My hope is that it will reach 45,000 by the time it is two years old (in early October 2018). Thanks to all of you for your interest and support.

I you look at my profile on most social media platforms that I use (currently Google Plus, Facebook, Ello, and Diaspora), you will see that I describe myself as "poet, translator, naturist, and feminist, currently living in Uruguay." I think all of these are still true, although the last descriptor is subject to change. If all goes well in the midterm elections in the US (and by that I mean a Blue Wave), we will return, this time to Florida.

As you will probably have noticed, I'm still posting in Udugi. It's dear to my heart, so will no doubt continue. Please don't try to use it for serious privacy purposes. I am doing my best to teach it to those who want to learn, and in any case, a Cherokee speaker can understand most of it. There is nothing secret about it.

I'll talk to you all again when we reach 45,000. In the meantime, be well, and healthy, and happy.

Gymnosophia LXVI (translations)

This body has survived
for three quarters of a century,
but I have lasted
much longer.
I am neither white
nor black,
native nor settler,
male nor female,
gay nor straight.
I am, instead,
a representative
of all humanity,
and what limits them,
limits me,
and what hurts them,
hurts me,
and what they search for,
and long for,
is also my search,
and my longing.

Thousands of years
have sharpened
and matured
that desire.

[portunhol surenho]

Este corpo sobreviveu
por tres quartos de século,
mas eu tenho durado
muito mais tempo.
Eu non sou branco
nem preto,
nativo nem colono,
homem nem musher,
gay nem hetero.
Eu sou, em vez disso,
um representante
de toda a humanidade,
y o que os limita
me limita,
y o que os mashuca
me mashuca,
y o que eles procuram,
y anelam,
é também minha busca
y meu deseo.

Mishares de anos
y amadureceu
esse deseo.


Este cuerpo ha sobrevivido
durante tres cuartos de siglo,
pero he durado
mucho más tiempo.
No soy ni blanco
ni negro,
nativo ni colonizador,
varón ni mujer,
gay ni heterosexual.
Soy, en cambio,
un representante
de toda la humanidad,
y lo que los limita,
me limita,
y lo que les duele,
me lastima,
y lo que buscan,
y anhelan,
es también mi búsqueda,
y mi anhelo.

Miles de años
han agudizado
y madurado
ese deseo.


Ce corps a survécu
pendant trois quarts de siècle,
mais j'ai duré
beaucoup plus longtemps.
Je ne suis ni blanc
ni noir,
natif ni colon,
mâle ni femelle,
gay ni hétéro.
Je suis plutôt
un représentant
de toute l'humanité,
et ce qui les limite,
me limite,
et ce qui leur fait mal,
me blesse,
et ce qu'ils recherchent,
et désirent,
est aussi ma recherche,
et mon désir.

Des milliers d'années
ont aiguisé
et mûri
ce désir.

Gymnosophia LXVII - I Am Swimming (+ptl, es, fr, हिन्दी)

I am swimming in the ocean of rebirth.
How will I reach the other side?

Kalidas says: Mother Kali,
have mercy on me!

[portunhol surenho]

Eu estou nadando no oceano do renascimento.
Cómo vou chegar ao outro lado?

Kalidas diz: Mae Kali,
tem piedade de mim!


Estoy nadando en el océano del renacimiento.
¿Cómo voy a llegar al otro lado?

Kalidas dice: Madre Kali,
¡ten piedad de mi!


Je nage dans l'océan de la renaissance.
Comment vais-je atteindre l'autre côté?

Kalidas dit: Mère Kali,
Ayez pitié de moi!


मैं पुनर्जन्म के महासागर में तैर रहा हूं।
मैं दूसरी तरफ कैसे पहुंचूँगा?

कालिदास कहते हैं: मां काली,
मुझ पर दया करो!