Tuesday, March 15, 2022

144,000 Visits and Many Rolls of Film


A couple of days ago we passed the milestone of 144,000 visits to (page views in) this poetry, writing, and photography blog. My sister Patricia, who is a well known poet and the recipient of many awards, says that my internet numbers put hers to shame. It is no doubt true, but I certainly can't explain it. Perhaps people just like nudity. I like it too, and have chosen to live naked as much of the time as possible (which in these days of pandemic is almost all the time). On a typical day I am clothed from a half hour to two hours out of twenty-four. In other words, I am unclothed from 92% to 98% of the time. This is an important statistic if one wishes to understand my view of the world.

But my activity is not limited to writing poetry and nude modeling. I write on many subjects, including language, religion, the so-called Synoptic Problem, and Bible translation.

Lately I have begun to write about photography, especially film photography. My series, "My Return to Film Photography," now includes fifteen parts (fourteen, actually--there is no part thirteen). In the next few days, after I do tests of Ilford FP4 Plus and Rollei Infrared 400, in both 35mm and medium format, I'll write an instalment on the different films that I'm using. Don't miss it!

As usual, I would like to thank you all for your loyal and enthusiastic readership. Thanks. Wadó, ꮹꮩ'.

Text and image Copyright © 2022 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler, ꮓꮘꮟ-ꭴꭶꮤ.