Friday, May 19, 2017

PSALM 25 (26)

Vindicate me, O God,
for I have walked in
my innocence,
and trusting in the Lord
I shall not weaken.
Test me O Lord
and tempt me,
pass my kidneys and my heart
through the fire,
for your mercy is before
my eyes, and I
have walked in your truth.
I have not sat with
men of vanity,
and with the arrogant
I shall not enter in.
I have hated the gatherings
of the wicked,
and with evil-doers
I shall not sit.
I shall wash my hands
in innocence
and I shall walk around
your altar, O Lord,
that with clear voice
I may announce your praise
and tell all
your wonders.
O Lord, I have loved
your house,
and the dwelling place
of your glory.
Do not carry away my soul
with sinners,
nor my life
with men of blood,
in whose hands are crimes,
whose right hands
are full of bribes.
But I shall walk
in my innocence,
save me and have
mercy on me.
My foot has stood
in uprightness,
in the congregations
I shall bless
the Lord.