Thursday, October 3, 2019

He Lives in the Microcosm / Il vit dans le microcosme / El vive en el microcosmos

He lives in the microcosm
of his own body,
and it is sufficient.

Il vit dans le microcosme
de son propre corps,
et c'est suffisant.

El vive en el microcosmos
de su propio cuerpo,
y es suficiente.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Carefully, He Chooses His Words / Soigneusement, il choisit ses mots / Con cuidado, elige sus palabras

Carefully, he chooses his words,
weighing adjectives and verbs,
hoping to build the line
that will impregnate the world.

Soigneusement, il choisit ses mots,
pesant des adjectifs et des verbes,
en espérant construire la ligne
qui va imprégner le monde.

Con cuidado, elige sus palabras,
sopesando adjetivos y verbos,
con la esperanza de construir la línea
que impregnará al mundo.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.