Thursday, May 4, 2017

PSALM 18 (19)

The heavens tell the glory of God,
and the firmament announces
the work of his hands.
Day to day
pours forth utterance,
and night to night
points out knowledge.
There is no speech
and there are no words
by which their voice
is not heard.
Their sound has gone out
into the whole earth,
and their words
to the ends of the earth.
In them He has placed
a tent for the sun,
which coming out
has rejoiced like
a bridegroom leaving
his bridal chamber,
and his exit is like a
strong man running his way
from the heights of heaven,
and his course is even to
its summit, nor is there
anyone who can hide
from his heat.
The law of the Lord
is spotless, turning
the soul.
The testimony of
the Lord faithfully
imparts wisdom
to infants,
the righteous precepts
of the Lord
give joy to the heart,
the commandment
of the Lord
gives light that
illuminates the eyes,
the fear of the Lord
is pure, enduring
the judgments
of the Lord
are true, justified
in themselves,
they are more desirable
than gold and many
precious stones,
sweeter than honey
and the honeycomb.

Indeed, by them
your servant is taught,
in keeping them
there is much reward.
But who shall detect
his errors?
Cleanse me of hidden
faults, and also free
your servant from
sins of pride.
If I stay free of
their domination,
then I shall be
and I shall be
of great sin.

May the words of my mouth
be pleasing to You,
and also, in your sight,
the meditation of
my heart,
O Lord, my rock
and my redeemer.