For those who are learning the Udugi (ꭴꮪꭹ) language:
English Cherokee Udugi Transliterated Udugi
Sunday (una)dodaquasgv(i) quasgvi ᏆᏍᎬᎢ
Monday (una)dodaquonvhi quonvhi ᏉᏅᎯ
Tuesday taline-iga taline-iga ᏔᎵᏁ-ᎢᎦ
Wednesday tsoine-iga tsoine-iga ᏦᎢᏁ-ᎢᎦ
Thursday nvgine-iga nvgine-iga ᏅᎩᏁ-ᎢᎦ
Friday tsunagilosdi gilosdi ᎩᎶᏍᏗ
Saturday (una)dodaquidena quidena ᏈᏕᎾ
Some things need to be taught more systematically than can be done in the little snippets that we publish.
Please note that the Romanization that appears here is based on the Eastern Cherokee dialect. Speakers of Western Cherokee will adjust to the sounds that they are used to (e.g. "jo" instead of "tso," etc. In either case, the spelling in Cherokee Script (the Sequoyah Syllabary) remains the same.
Hopefully, an Udugi dictionary will be coming out soon. It will be in electronic format, so searches can be either Udugi-English or English-Udugi. Please let me know if you wish to receive it when it is ready. The dictionary will be an electronic file, and it will be free. I can be reached either by email (exolinguist at gmail dot com) or by writing a comment (comentario) directly in this blog entry.
As always, thank you for your continued interest in this project.
Text and image © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.