Tuesday, August 27, 2019

There Are Levels within Levels

There are levels within levels
of revealing,
mysteries unsealing,
but the greatest await
within yourself.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

66,000 Visits

Good morning, my friends. I'm happy to say that we've just passed the milestone of 66,000 visits to the poems and other entries in this blog. The communication is mostly one-way (which you could correct by entering a comment directly on any blog post or by emailing me: exolinguist at gmail dot com), so it's hard to know what people are most interested in. The poems have always been popular, as has the photography and the naturism. The Udugi language has also had a very good following. Lately I've also posted quite a bit about the so-called Synoptic Problem and the Hebrew Gospel of Mathew, and those posts, too, have received many visits.

Your feedback would be very helpful. Is there something that you particularly like / don't like about my poetry / photography? Have I been too bold / not bold enough in the illustrations? Oh well, you get the idea. Everyone engaged in creative work can use constructive criticism.

Would you like the blog to evolve in a particular direction? Do I need separate blogs for different subjects? I'm not saying that I would change anything, because the blog seems to go in whatever direction unole, the wind, goes. Or perhaps I should say, in whichever direction the Spirit moves.

In any case, I would like to say thank you, wadó, for your continued interest and enthusiasm.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler.

ᎤᎸᏌᏓ ᎠᎴ ᏄᎵᏂᎬᎬ / प्रकाश और ऊर्जा


प्रकाश और ऊर्जा
उठाया जाना चाहिए
सबसे ऊपर।

Text and image © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler देवीदास.