Sunday, September 17, 2023

Notes on the Public Hearing in the Mexican Congress - Part III

 The next speaker was Jois Mantilla, a journalist and investigator with Otromundo Comunicaciones. He spoke about the discovery, in Peru (between Palpa and Nazca) of 20 desiccated cadavers of non-human beings measuring about 60 cm in height., and one, also non-human, measuring 1.70 m in height. The discovery took place in 2015. These are not mummies, although they are popularly being called such. They were preserved by the diatomite in which they were found, and all their internal organs are present. Two of the bodies have eggs in the abdomen, and several contain metallic implants.

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) did the Carbon 14 analysis on two of the small cadavers, and determined that they date to approximately 1000 years before the present. One of the extraordinary characteristics of diatomite, which made it possible for these bodies to be preserved for a thousand year, is that it does not permit the presence of bacteria or fungi.

Translation of text on the image: "THE DISCOVERY" "Found near the end of 2015, near the famous Nazca lines." Illustrated in the image: the unique example of the larger species, and one of the cadavers belonging to the smaller species. It will be noticed that both species are three-fingered, and their fingers have five joints, instead of the three joints that we have,

The range of C14 dating for these cadavers is from 700 years before the present to 1800 years before the present.

In 2017, Jaime Maussán made the discovery public on his TV show. Immediately there was a flood of disinformation from debunkers and denialists, in an apparent effort to confuse the public about the validity and importance of the discovery. But these "negationists" did not actually do any studies themselves. Those in Mexico could easily have gone to UNAM to see the bodies, and do their own studies, but they did not.


In the last image we see (on the left) all the studies done by the debunkers and denialists (none), vs. the studies done on these non-human bodies by investigators.

(to be continued)

Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler. I do not own the images.