Friday, January 31, 2020

Commentary on the Teachings of Rabbi Yeshua - Mt. 10:24-25

אין תלמיד גדול מרבו העבד גדול מאדוניו׃ 24

די לתלמיד להיות כרבו ולעבד כאדוניו 

"No disciple is greater than his teacher, nor is the servant greater than his master.
It is sufficient for the disciple to be like his teacher, and for the servant to be like his master."

This teaching seems to me to be very Jewish, and to prefigure the chasidut (chasidism) of the eighteenth century. But what does it mean for the student to be like his or her teacher? I remember reading in one of Martin Buber's books (Tales of the Baal Shem Tov, Tales of the Hasidim, vol 1 and 2) that that a rebbe's followers would try to be like him in all things, even to tying their shoes as he did, I was very much influenced by those books (as well as I AND THOU), and yet I do not call Martin Buber my teacher, great as he was.

No, it is something different. There must be a personal connection of some kind, and you either feel it or you don't. If you do, you are galvanized.

I do not need to be greater than my friend John, who was a Lubavitcher Chasid, or greater than Shlomo, to whom he introduced me. As for being like them, I only need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and pass it on.

Verses of the Kadmonim - III

We do not own these bodies.
We are given the use of them,
and have no right to destroy
or toxify them.
Everything comes to us
from HaShem,
from the Eternal.

Text and image © 2020 by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

About the Udugi Language

Yesterday there were 397 visits to this blog, the largest number we have had in one day. Today there have so far been 84 more. They are from the United States, and they are studying the Udugi language. I wish I could believe that they are Cherokee people, but that isn't very likely. My considered opinion is that they are from a three-letter intelligence agency, and are upset because they cannot understand the language. I don't care if they learn it; I would even help them. At least someone, besides myself, would be using the language.

The Udugi language can be understood, or at least 80% of it, by any speaker of Cherokee. It is not for secrets, and I have no secrets.

Dear NSA/CIA/FBI: Feel free to request an Udugi dictionary. I will freely give it. Also, there is an online Cherokee dictionary that is much larger than my Udugi dictionary, and the vocabulary is basically the same.

Several times I have requested my readers to not try to use the Udugi language for secrets. Its basic vocabulary is too well known, and that is not what it is for.

The purpose of the Udugi language is to save at least some part of the Cherokee (Tsalagi) language from extinction.

Text and image © 2020 by Donald Jacobson Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.
E-mail: exolinguist at gmail dot com
Thank you for your interest in this wonderful language.