Sunday, October 29, 2017

dEvIkavacham 54

सहजा कुलजा माला डाकिनी शाकिनी तथा | 
अन्तरिक्षचरा घोरा डाकिन्यश्च महारवाः || 54 ||

sahajA kulajA mAlA DAkinI shAkinI tathA |
antarikShacharA ghorA DAkinyashcha mahAravAH || 54 ||

self-born or family-born, as also the group of DAkinIs and shAkinIs:
the fearsome DAkinIs of great sound who move through the sky,

dEvIkavacham 53

अभिचाराणि सर्वाणि मन्त्रयन्त्राणि भूतलॆ | 
भूचराः खॆचराश्चैव कुलजाश्चौपदॆशिकाः || 53 ||

abhichArANi sarvANi mantrayantrANi bhUtalE |
bhUcharAH khEcharAshchaiva kulajAshchaupadEshikAH || 53 ||

all (destructive) magic spells, mantras, and yantras on earth.
The creatures that move upon the earth and through the air, whether (the products of) human instruction,

dEvIkavacham 52

नश्यन्ति व्याधयः सर्वॆ लूताविस्फोटकादयः | 
स्थावरं जङ् गमं चैव कृत्रिमं चैव यद्विषम् || 52 || 

nashyanti vyAdhayaH sarvE lUtAvisphoTakAdayaH |
sthAvaraM jaN^ gamaM chaiva kRRitrimaM chaiva yadviSham || 52 ||

All diseases from spider venom and such will disappear, as well as
stationary and movable (non-living and living) poisons both artificial and natural,

The Palavers of Parrots

The palavers of parrots
and the keening of doves
rend the stillness
of the spring morning,
calling me
to a poet's