Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bottles on the Beach

Bottles on the beach.
No notes.
Same message.

Just A Dream, Of Course

I had a dream last night
in which Dad had a new car.
I might not recognize him
in it, he said,
because it was a slightly
lighter color.
He gave me a key to it,
too, but why?
I handed the bottle
of celebration wine
to Mom, who looked
as young as in my
childhood, but a little
This will be complicated,
because I have to move
my car before he
can bring his home.
I found his old car,
from the 1920s,
parked in front of
my boyhood home.
I got in, but it didn't respond
to the controls.
His new car
may become mine
after I dispose of
the one I have.
The bonds of family
go back very far.