Saturday, September 30, 2023

Channeling - II


I was told "Write," and I wrote, in the dark:

There is no reason to fear the coming

changes. We are here to help, not hurt.

When you regain your true identity,

you will then be complete. It is very

simple, and you shall be at

peace. Now allow yourself to sleep.

Who is this from? I don't know--no name was given. I disagreed with the use of the form "shall" rather than "will," and still do, which may be an indication that the text is not from me.

After this, I "allowed" myself to sleep, but it was a while before I was able to.

Text and image Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler.

Friday, September 29, 2023



This is a gecko, of which there are many here in Florida. I'm glad that they are harmless, and not as big as alligators, because you can't venture outside without seeing them everywhere. They can move like lightning, and our dog, Betty, stopped chasing them years ago, knowing that she had no hope of catching them.

This is a young specimen, perhaps an adolescent or young adult. He or she is obviously adequately fed, and the many fragments of insect debris on the screen show that she/he is a good hunter.

These reptiles have five fingers and toes on their extremities. They should thus be contrasted with the repto-avian "Bird People," the desiccated bodies of which were discovered in late 2015 near Nazca, Peru (and about which I have recently written). I'm a poet, not a scientist, but I'm guessing that we humans are more closely related to geckos, with their five fingers, than we are to the Bird People, with their three.

It should be noted, by the way, with regard to the Bird People, that their fingers have five joints, instead of the three that we have, thus eliminating the need for an opposable thumb.

Text and image Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Notes on the Public Hearing in the Congress of Mexico on 12 Sept 2023 - Part VI


The final speaker on the panel was Ricardo Rangel Martínez, who is an expert on immunogenetics and histocompatibility. This was the most difficult portion of the hearing for me to translate, because it was very detailed and very technical. Please forgive any errors or omissions.

Mr. Rangel Martínez mentioned the possibility of contamination of DNA samples by terrestrial organisms, insects, and pollen. Also, persons who manipulated these tissues might not have done so with the necessary precautions. He said that the process of sequencing used for ancient DNA is that of "next-generation massive sequencing. This was done in a sequencer of the Ilumina brand, which permits sequencing of millions of fragments at the same time. The results of this sequencing were the following: Sample 0002, basically from a neck bone, 561,665,320 reading sequences; another sample, 704, which was muscle tissue from the hip, 501,700,245 reading sequences. Each reading sequence has a length of 150 nucleotides. Later, these were loaded into the Reading Sequences Archive or SRA, according to its initials in English, the use of this analysis tool being free through the National Center for Biological Information of the National Library of Medicine (?) of the USA. This tool compares a sample with all known genomes in the database. Neck bone sample: 72.0% known, including 70% contaminants from Homo Sapiens, the rest being known viruses and bacteria. 28.0% did not coincide with any of the genomes known so far. Sample from the hip: 36.2% of reading sequences coincided with identifiable genomes. 63.8% did not coincide with the genomes of any beings known at present. This sample gives a 90% probability of non-relation to humans, and a 50% probability of non-relation to any beings of our planet.

These studies are freely accessible at the links shown below:

(This is the sixth of six parts of this series of transcriptions of my notes on this public hearing. The series is now complete.)

Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler. I do not own the images.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Notes on the Public Hearing in the Mexican Congress on 12 Sept 2023 - Part V

The next to speak was Joseé de Jesús Zalce Benítez, a specialist in forensic science who works for the Mexican Navy and is Director of the Scientific Institute for Health. He spoke about the studies derived from the analysis of these non-human bodies.

He also said that these bodies have retractable necks, like those of tortoises. He also said that their fingerprints were straight lines, running horizontally. Several of the bodies have metallic implants within them, containing Osmium and Cadmium, which are substances that we use for satellite communications.

These very striking images were obtained by digital tomography.

Here, a human skeleton (on the left) is contrasted with the skeletons of these non-human bodies.

With regard to the genetic material, Dr. Zalce Benítez said that 70% of it is in agreement withe what is known, but 30% is unknown. The significance of this can be gaged by the genetic difference between humans and primates, which is less than 5%; the genetic difference between a human and a bacterium is less than 15%.

Dr. Zalce said that these were biological entities, they had life at one time. They are completely outside the Darwinian evolutionary tree known to us. He concluded his speech by saying "now we can accept their existence among and with us."

(to be continued)

 Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler. I do not own the images.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023

Notes on the Public Hearing in the Mexican Congress - Part IV

 Sr. Jois Mantilla continued his presentation. He mentioned that, along with at least 20 desiccated non-human corpses measuring ca. 60 cm, two ritual objects, apparently small effigies of the non-human beings had been found. The ritual objects measured 25-30 cm. Some of the debunkers/deniers had made use of the ritual objects to try to confuse the public about what had been found.


He said that several of the cadavers contained metallic implants. The implants contained Osmium, a substance that is rare and very expensive on our planet. They also contained Cadmium Chloride, which is not natural, and must be fabricated. 

The content of the ovoid forms was proven to be organic, they are gestation eggs.

Sr. Mantilla showed several images from digital tomography, of which I have only reproduced the one above.

He stated that images of three-fingered beings had been found in pre-Colombian art from Mexico and Peru, and also from Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, and Cuba. Further research revealed that such images had been found in Armenia and Iran, and indeed almost everywhere. The beings have large heads and eyes, and three fingers and three toes.

In the above image, I was interested to note that, in the rock art from Cuba, the head shape is correctly depicted. This cannot be a coincidence.

(to be continued)

Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler. I do not own the images.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Notes on the Public Hearing in the Mexican Congress - Part III

 The next speaker was Jois Mantilla, a journalist and investigator with Otromundo Comunicaciones. He spoke about the discovery, in Peru (between Palpa and Nazca) of 20 desiccated cadavers of non-human beings measuring about 60 cm in height., and one, also non-human, measuring 1.70 m in height. The discovery took place in 2015. These are not mummies, although they are popularly being called such. They were preserved by the diatomite in which they were found, and all their internal organs are present. Two of the bodies have eggs in the abdomen, and several contain metallic implants.

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) did the Carbon 14 analysis on two of the small cadavers, and determined that they date to approximately 1000 years before the present. One of the extraordinary characteristics of diatomite, which made it possible for these bodies to be preserved for a thousand year, is that it does not permit the presence of bacteria or fungi.

Translation of text on the image: "THE DISCOVERY" "Found near the end of 2015, near the famous Nazca lines." Illustrated in the image: the unique example of the larger species, and one of the cadavers belonging to the smaller species. It will be noticed that both species are three-fingered, and their fingers have five joints, instead of the three joints that we have,

The range of C14 dating for these cadavers is from 700 years before the present to 1800 years before the present.

In 2017, Jaime Maussán made the discovery public on his TV show. Immediately there was a flood of disinformation from debunkers and denialists, in an apparent effort to confuse the public about the validity and importance of the discovery. But these "negationists" did not actually do any studies themselves. Those in Mexico could easily have gone to UNAM to see the bodies, and do their own studies, but they did not.


In the last image we see (on the left) all the studies done by the debunkers and denialists (none), vs. the studies done on these non-human bodies by investigators.

(to be continued)

Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler. I do not own the images.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Notes on the Public Hearing of the Mexican Congress - Part II

The next speaker was Lt. Robert Salas, USAF ret.  He spoke of two cases (from the 1970s?) where UAPs had caused missiles (up to ten of them) in silos to become non-functional. This, of course, was taken very seriously by the Department of Defense. He also mentioned cases known to him from 1967, '68, and '70 where unknown objects had posed a threat to our aircraft or ships, citing these cases as a reason to take the phenomenon seriously and investigate it.

Next, Capt. Julio Darwish spoke on behalf of pilots and air traffic controllers of Mexico about the need to investigate the phenomenon and render the skies safer.

Enrique Kolbeck, an air traffic controller, spoke of several cases that he witnessed in the course of his duties, including: 1) Mazatlán Case, 1975; 2) Aeronaves de México Case, 1994; 3) Morelia, 2002 (in which 15-20 large metallic objects delayed the takeoff of a plane for 15 minutes and caused a near-collision); and 4) Campeche, in which a Mexican plane involved in an operation against drug traffickers, said plane being equipped with special heat-sensing IR devices, encountered and recorded an unidentified flying object.

Andrea Pérez Simondini, a member of the ALAS pilots' organization and Director of the Commission for the Study of the Ovni (UFO) Phenomenon of the Republic of Argentina, gave an account of a couple of UFO/UAP encounters, including one in Bariloche, in the mountains near the Chilean border. She reiterated the need for the phenomenon to be taken seriously and studied in depth.

The Hon. Yoshiharu Asakawa, a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Japanese Congress, was the next to speak. He began speaking in Japanese, to a roomful of people who had no idea what he was saying, two minutes and twenty-five seconds before the arrival of the interpreter. This was awkward, indeed. He told how a black UFO, which separated into four parts and did not reflect the setting sun, had aroused his interest in 1986, when he was a school student. He said that, although Japan is one of the countries with the highest number of UFO/UAP sightings, he has several times been separated from his Congressional group for speaking about it. He thanked the organizers of this hearing for giving him the opportunity to speak freely about the phenomenon, which he cannot do in Japan.

The next speaker was Roni Tadeu Vernet Braga, of the Brazilian Center for Physical Investigations. He gave some history of sightings in Brazil, and said that the first one had taken place in the seventeenth century. (This, of course, begs the question as to whether there had previously been sightings by the indigenous peoples.) He said that the first photo of a UFO had been taken in Brazil in 1952. There were also prominent sightings in 1957-58, and they have been continuing, in increasing numbers, up to the present.

The next speaker was Michael Vaillant, one of the experts of the GEIPAN unit of the National Center for Space Studies (France). Mr. Vaillant spoke in French, which I was not able to hear because of the simultaneous translation into Spanish (done, evidently, by a French person). Mr. Vaillant proposed the formation of a new international body to investigate the UFO/UAP/OVNI phenomenon, saying that it could use the GEIPAN database.

At this point, I am again interrupting my report on this hearing.

(to be continued) 

Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler. I do not own the images.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Notes: Public Hearing in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies on September 12 2023


I speak Spanish, but I am not a stenographer. This means that I will necessarily be "hitting the high points."

The hearing was opened by Deputy Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, who welcomed all those present and introduced the participants: Jaime Maussán Flota, who is arguably the most well-known figure in Mexican ufology, and would be the master of ceremonies for this hearing; Avi Loeb, Harvard astrophysicist and Director of the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University (who would give his presentation remotely); Mariano Tello, of INAI; Ryan Graves, a retired USN pilot; Lieutenant Robert Salas, USAF Retired; Capt. Julio Darwish, a Mexican air controller; Enrique Kolbeck, also a Mexican air controller; Andrea Pérez Sinondini, from Argentina, a member of the ALAS pilots' association and Director of the Commission for the Study of the Ovni (UFO/UAP) Phenomenon of the Republic of Argentina; Yoshiharu Asakawa, a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Japanese Congress; Rony Tadeu Vernet Braga, of the Brazilian Center of Physical Investigations; Michael Vaillant, one of the experts of the GEIPAN unit for the National Center for Space Studies (France); Jois Mantilla, journalist and investigator for Otromundo Comunicaciones; José de Jesús Zalce Benítez, who works for the Mexican Navy and is Director of the Scientific Institute for Health and is a specialist in Forensic Sciences, Ricardo Rangel Martínez, an expert in Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility.

Deputy Gutiérrez Luna then turned the podium over to Jaime Maussán. The first speaker was Avi Loeb, who participated remotely, speaking in English (which I could not hear, due to simultaneous interpretation in Spanish).Loeb made the case for the high likelihood that we are not alone in the Cosmos and the necessity to take it seriously so that we can eventually take our place among the civilizations of the Galaxy.

The next speaker was Mariano Tello, Director of the Center for Attention to the Public of INAI. His Center is responsible for attending to what we would call FOIA requests, of which he said there were a record number in 2022. He spoke about the people's right to information, and how to submit a request. He also committed to being an ally of those seeking information on this phenomenon.

The next speaker was Ryan Graves, who spoke in English, and again I could not hear him because of interference from the simultaneous interpretation. Graves is a retired USN pilot who became well-known as a result of his testimony to the US Congress on July 26. He recounted a 2014 event in which he confronted an unidentified object near Virginia Beach. The object was a dark cube within a circle, and it traveled at a speed greater than Mach 1. The object remains unidentified to this day. He said that the people of the US deserve a secure airspace. He lamented the absence of an adequate protocol for reporting, and the frequent stigmatization of those who report. He said that studies of the phenomenon are being undertaken at Stanford and Harvard, and there needs to be less secrecy and more release of information.  

I'm tired, so I will interrupt this report at this point.

(to be continued)

Text Copyright © 2023 by Donald C. Traxler.

SUMMARY 20230912 Congress of Mexico


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Friday, September 8, 2023

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Friday, September 1, 2023