Monday, May 8, 2017

PSALM 20 (21)

O Lord, the king shall rejoice
in your strength
and he will exult most strongly
in your salvation.
You have given him
the desire of his heart
and have not deprived him
of a wish from his lips.

For you have granted him
sweet blessings,
you have placed on his head
a crown of precious stones.
He asked of you life
and you gave it to him,
and length of days forever.
Great is his glory
through your salvation.
Glory and majesty
you place upon him,
for you place upon him
eternal blessing.
Your face will fill him
with joy,
for the king trusts
in the Lord
and through the mercy
of the Most High
he shall not be moved.

May your hand find
all your enemies,
may your right hand
find those who hate you.
You will make them as
a fiery furnace
when you appear.
The Lord, in his wrath,
will cast them down
and consume them with fire,
their fruit shall be lost
from the earth,
and their seed from among
the sons of men,
for if they plan
evil against you,
they will not succeed,
for you put them to flight,
you draw your bow
in their face.

Rise up, O Lord,
in your power.
Let us sing and celebrate
your strength.