Friday, August 4, 2017

Gymniad - I

I remember, more than half
a century ago,
wondering why we humans
couldn't allow our bodies
to be seen.
I just couldn't
understand it.
But now,
more than fifty years later,
it turns out that
we couldn't
because we didn't.

In the words of a famous anthropologist,
"There are many ways
of being human."

In the words of a famous,
perhaps mythical,
"Choose a path
with heart."

In the words of
an obscure poet,
"Stay naked,
if you can."

Os restos

[portunhol surenho)

O asado,
el uso de la maca,
la sherba mate,
unas pocas palavras
como "gurí", *
estos son os restos
da cultura indígena.
A pessá de sus miles
de ferramentas esparcidas
ao longo da costa,
non se ve ninguém.
Tenemo que lembrá-nos
que somo la causa
da ausencia d'eles
de acá.


The barbecue,
the use of the hammock,
the ma-te herb,
a few words
like "gurí," *
these are the remnants
of the indigenous culture.
In spite of their thousands
of tools scattered
along the coast,
we see no one.
We have to remember
that we are the cause
of their absence
from here.

* gurí = crianza, child

Hot Ashes

Naked, shoveling hot ashes
from the fireplace
into a metal bucket,
I prepare
for another day
of magic.