Sunday, November 13, 2016


Introibo ad altare Deae,
introibo ad altare Dei,
ad Deam qui laetificat,
ad Deum quae laetificat
juventutem meam
et potestatem meam,
Dea Deusque in
nobis omnibus.

I will go in to the altar of the Goddess,
I will go in to the altar of the God,
to the Goddess who gives joy,
to the God who gives joy
to my youth
and to my power,
the Goddess and the God
in all of us.

Entraré al altar de la Diosa,
al altar del Dios,
hasta la Diosa,
hasta el Dios,
que alegra mi juventud
y mi poder,
la Diosa y el Dios
en todas y todos.

13 Nov. 2016