Sunday, December 20, 2020


Image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.

101,000 Visits, and Somebody's Full-time Job

Today we will pass the milestone of 101,000 visits to this blog. If you think the milestones are coming faster, you are right. Currently, about 60% of the visits are due to pirate activity. The most active pirate at the moment is the one I call "Mac Safari," reflecting the names of his or her operating system and browser. Mac's location is the USA. I could probably get more information from Google Analytics, but I prefer not to do that. The interesting thing to me is that Mac is spending as much time copying my work as most people would spend on a full-time job. I am sure that Mac would not do this unless Mac expected to make a sizable profit from my work. Times are tough, I know, but if Mac had honorable intentions, she/he would contact me. I'm sure that we could work something out, and Mac would avoid a lawsuit. One thing I will say about Mac: he/she has good taste.

Some of you may have noticed that in my recent self-portraits I am almost always wearing a couple of malas. The darker beads are rudraksha, and the lighter ones are tulsi. I wear them as a reminder or symbol of a great realization that I experienced on August 25, 2020. It is the same realization that gave rise to my poem-series "Upanishad," which currently includes eighty-nine parts. Thus the beads do have meaning, a very real meaning, and are not mere decoration.

Thank you, all of you (even the pirates), for your continued interest and enthusiasm. I can be reached by email: exolinguist at gmail dot com, or by commenting directly on the blogspot posts.

Text and image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.