Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Visits

The visits to this poetry blog come from many countries. The graphic below, which is for the past seven days, is indicative:

Perhaps I should be writing this in Spanish, since the statistics are in Spanish, the language of my computer. Anyway, what you see here is pretty typical, and a picture is, as they say, worth a thousand words. I do get visits from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, but there is a decided bias toward first- and second-world countries.

An interesting thing, which I was able to see in this graphic for the first time, is that "Región Desconocida" ("Unknown Region") appears to be the contested, southern part of the Ukraine, currently occupied by Russia. I had thought that it was Russia proper, perhaps the Russian troll farm. Google has apparently not wished to take what could be interpreted as a political position on this issue, and I have no desire to do so either.

I have no doubt that various governments follow my writings, perhaps because they think that I will use the Udugi language, which is untranslatable by current translation programs, for political purposes. I will not.

I am a poet and photographer, a humanist, a feminist, and a spiritual person, and that's all that I am. I don't give a damn about Shakespeare's ". . . stage, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." They can have it, I don't want it.

I think that, at one time, the most popular feature of the blog was its nudist/naturist slant. That is still close to my heart, but the most popular feature now is unquestionably the Udugi language. This is a surprise to me, but I am happy about it, and believe that it will be my most enduring legacy.

I thank you all for your continuing interest and enthusiasm. Wadó. ꮹꮩ.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.

The Universal Human Condition

Nothing has changed
for a thousand years,
though we now have running water
and electrons will soon replace gears.

The well-to-do do well--
the rest can go to hell.

Our world has shrunk to fit our phone,
while the spirit is left
to dance alone.

Text and image © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler.

To See / ᎪᏩᏘ

To see well,
one must see deeply.


Text and image © 2019 by Donald C. Traxler ꮨᏺꭽꮅ.