Wednesday, March 4, 2020

His World Is Multiplanar

His world is multiplanar,
and tied together
by love.

Text and image © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.


We are all exiles,
and only love
can lead us back
to our country.

Nous sommes tous des exilés,
et seulement l'amour
peut nous ramener
à notre pays.

Todos somos exiliados
y solo amor
nos puede llevar de vuelta
a nuestro pais.

Somos todos exilados,
e somente amor
pode nos levar de volta
para o nosso país.

Text © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Journal of a Naked Poet XXIII - Hinduism

One of the influences on me was Hinduism. In Hinduism it is often said that there are three paths to liberation: the path of karma, which is action or work; the path of jñana (gyana), which is knowledge; and the path of bhakti, which is devotion. I think the first two are more or less self-explanatory, but the third is often misunderstood.

It is not the ishta devatá, the chosen or desired deity, that saves or liberates; it is the devotion itself. The devotees are already liberated by their devotion.

In the end, it is love that saves us.

Text © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.