Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Commentary on Gymniad - VI and Preceding

There is a photographer, Spencer Tunick, who uses (many) naked bodies in his art. He gets ever-larger crowds of naked people to pose for him. I'm sure he's broken several Guinness records. Almost invariably, the people who pose say it was an enjoyable and liberating experience, and they often say that they'd like to do it again. (This in spite of the fact that he often requires them to strip off before 5:00 a,m., even on cold mornings). This tells me that people really need nudity, it has been kept away from them too long. Let's work to normalize nudity, and enjoy life the more! It's essential.

Photo by Spencer Tunick Models: the people of Hull.

Palimpsest - LXIII

Faze muito frío mas estoy muito nu,
calentado por un fogo interno
e impelido por una visón
do que huvisse podido ser.

It is very cold but I am very naked,
warmed by an inner fire
and driven by a vision
of what could have been.