Saturday, January 22, 2022

My Return to Film Photography - V


A couple of days ago I shot a roll of 400TX 35mm. Camera-wise, I'm in clover: I was using the Canon AE-1, which is a jewel of a camera. I'm still working on the problem of modern, artificial light sources. Apart from that, I got beautiful and consistent exposures. I was able to determine that my old Gossen Scout 2 must be set to ASA/ISO 50 instead of 400 (three stops slower) when using an LED light source.

Apparently you can't buy incandescent tungsten lightbulbs anymore--at least I didn't find any in the supermarket. I did find bulbs that have some kind of filament, but it's not the tungsten that we were used to (and that my selenium-cell light meter requires for accurate indoor readings). I took several shots with a 25W version of this type of bulb. Here is an example:

It's an improvement over LED light, but still insufficient. Shot at 1/8 sec, f4. The shadow over my shoulder is from the main light, and the shadow cast by my chin is from a mercury-vapor spiral overhead.

I also found a 65W indoor floodlight (used for recessed lighting). I'll try that when I test the Canon EOS Rebel 2000 (next instalment).

Apart from artificial lighting problems, I got excellent and consistent exposures with the AE-1. Here are some examples:

All of these shots were scanned using the Wolverine F2D, which gives only 1800 dpi. I still want to get a better film scanner, and I've picked out a good one that will also allow me to shoot with the Mamiya C33 Professional. But if I'm going to carry that beast around with me, I may need to start working out.

(to be continued)

Text and images Copyright © 2022 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

602 Mission - II

You looked girlish,

as you touched my cock

almost shyly,

knowing we were starting something

that wouldn't easily stop.

When our naked bodies entwined,

it was AC current.

We couldn't let go

as we kissed deeply,

hungry for each other,

and fell, laughing,

onto the unmade bed.

Your child,

newly walking,

came to me and hugged me.

smiling boy,

red-headed like you.

Text and image Copyright © 2022 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.