Thursday, January 18, 2018

For Yakov

For my friend L.G. Corey, aka Yakov Lieb HaKohain,
who has left the world a lonelier place.

You were king of the mountain,
you old fart,
and so you should have been:
poet, teacher of Kabbalah,
and friend.
We had our difficult moments,
but still,
I looked up to you,
and learned from you.
I would happily fight with you now,
if I only could.
Shalom, Yakov,
may your portion be good.

Gymniad XXXVI - Fewer Words (with translations)

We need fewer words
when the body is free to speak.

[portunhol surenho]

Precisamos de menos palavras
quando o corpo é livre para falar.


Necesitamos menos palabras
cuando el cuerpo es libre para hablar.

Gymniad XXXV - Relaxed and natural (with translations)

Relaxed and natural,
we are open to life.

[portunhol surenho]

Relaxados y naturales,
estamo aberto a la vida.


Relajados y naturales,
estamos abiertos a la vida.