Thursday, October 12, 2017

dEvIkavacham 15

शङ्खं चक्रं गदां शक्तिं हलं च मुसलायुधम् | 
खॆटकं तोमरं चैव परशुं पाशमॆव च || 15 ||

shaN^khaM chakraM gadAM shaktiM halaM cha musalAyudham |
khETakaM tomaraM chaiva parashuM pAshamEva cha || 15 ||

(and bearing) conch, discus, mace, spear, plow, battle club,
shield, iron club, ax, and noose,

dEvIkavacham 14

इन्द्रनीलैर्महानीलैः पद्मरोगैः सुशोभनैः | 
दृश्यन्तॆ रथमारूढा दॆव्यः क्रोधसमाकुलाः || 14 ||

indranIlairmahAnIlaiH padmarogaiH sushobhanaiH |
dRRishyantE rathamArUDhA dEvyaH krodhasamAkulAH || 14 ||

with huge, blue sapphires and exceedingly beautiful rubies.
The goddesses are seen riding in chariots, full of anger.

This Museum

This museum
is full of ancient things,
now mostly forgotten.
Very few people
come through the doors.
Very few people
are aware of it,
and it's hard to find.
Nagna says:
"Why is this museum open,
if not for the Goddess?"

Nagna Devidas (Donald Traxler)

इस संग्रहालय से भरा है
प्राचीन चीजें,
अब ज्यादातर भूल गए
बहुत कम लोग
दरवाज़े के माध्यम से आओ
बहुत कम लोग
इसके बारे में पता है,
और यह खोजने के लिए मुश्किल है
नग्न कहते हैं:
"यह संग्रहालय क्यों खुला है,
अगर नहीं देवी के लिए? "