Monday, September 21, 2020

94.000 Visits and One Added Camera

 Today we are passing the milestone of 94,000 visits to this poetry/photography/writing blog. Progress is steady, and the pace is moderate. As to content, the Upanishad poem-series now has 28 parts. I like to think that it will reach 108 parts, but I'm not sure about that.

Those of you who are more photographically inclined may notice different and wider angles and higher resolution in some of the illustrations (the illustration on this page is an example). That is because I now occasionally use my cell phone camera, which I was not doing before. That is mainly because I've installed an app on the laptop that makes access to the cell phone pics easier. The only problem is that tripping the shutter is a bit clumsy at the angles that I need. I expect to resolve that before long.

As usual, I would like to thank you all for your continued interest and enthusiasm. Please feel free to contribute comments, which are always welcome.

Text and image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.

Upanishad XXVII - This Body Is a Fiction / यह शरीर एक कल्पना है

This body is a fiction and an illusion.

It is made of protons, electrons,

and empty space.

It contains energy and can be

converted back to energy,

but it is not solid.

Nagna says:

It is nothing, really.

Only Consciousness

is real.

यह शरीर एक कल्पना और भ्रम है।

यह प्रोटॉन और इलेक्ट्रॉनों से बना होता है

और खाली जगह।

इसमें ऊर्जा होती है और हो सकती है

वापस ऊर्जा में परिवर्तित,

लेकिन यह ठोस नहीं है।

नग्न कहते हैं:

यह वास्तव में कुछ भी नहीं है।

केवल चेतना

सत्य है।

Text and image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.

Upanishad XXVI - We Love the Illusion So Much / हमें भ्रम बहुत पसंद है

We love the illusion so much

that we feed it,

we exercise it,

and trim its pubic hair. 

Nagna says:

But there is only Consciousness.

हमें भ्रम बहुत पसंद है

हम इसे खिलाते हैं,

हम इसे व्यायाम देते हैं

और हम इसके जघन बालों को काटते हैं।

नग्न कहते हैं:

लेकिन केवल चेतना है।

Text and image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.