Sunday, June 11, 2017

MOSAIC - Psalm 32 (33)

Laudate iusti Dominum rectos decet laudatio

Praise the Lord, O ye just,
it is fitting to praise the upright.

Exultate iusti in Domino rectos decet laudatio.

Rejoice, O ye just, in the Lord,
it is fitting to praise the upright.

Exsultate, iusti, in Domino:
rectos decet collaudatio.

Rejoice, O ye just, in the Lord:
it is fitting to praise the upright together.

Alegraos, justos, en Jehová:
á los rectos es hermosa la alabanza.

Rejoice, O just, in Jehova:
the praise of the upright is beautiful.

Justes, réjouissez-vous en l'Eternel !
La louange convient aux hommes droits.

O ye just, rejoice in the Eternal!
Praise is suitable for the upright.

Criez de joie pour le Seigneur, les justes;
aux coeurs droits la louange va bien.

Shout with joy for the Lord, O ye just:
praise is fitting for upright hearts.