Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Time washes the gardenia
from its hard-leaved branch
again and again,
in a ritual that hopes
to drop seeds,
but always leaves
a curled and browned
memory of spring
and early summer.



The pecera,
or fishpond,
has long been a raised
garden bed.

Now, with weed
stalks piled high
in the wheelbarrow,
I dig and rake the
musty root masses from
the soil enriched by
fireplace ashes, topsoil,
and the dog's
long-dried contributions.

Thinking about the cycle
of life, I press the
precious seeds into
the humid earth:
the seeds of
a very special



"Der mentsh--azoy vi graz zaynen zayne teg
vi a shprautzung fun feld, azoy shprautzt er." --Tilim 103.15

Man--his days are like those of grass,
he blooms like a flower of the field.

homo sicut faenum dies eius
tamquam flos agri sic efflorebit

All flesh is grass,
and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.

homo quasi herba dies eius
sicut flos agri sic florebit

All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.

Hominis dies sunt similes faeno,
sicut flos agri, ita floret.

"It is, it was,
It is done,
While we sigh 'Alas!'"

"All flesh is weak.
All flesh is grass,
I corrected her
in my head"

"as my friend Ernie
rose in a puff
of smoke."


Note as to sources: The quote at the beginning is Psalm 103.15 in Yiddish. That psalm is the earliest source, and I then give it in English and in one of three Latin translations. Then I give Isaiah 40.6, which is also derived from the psalm, followed by the second Latin translation of the psalm, then 1Peter 1.24, which has the same derivation, followed by the third Latin translation of the psalm. Then I give a quote from the poem All Flesh is Grass by Christina Rossetti, and a quote from The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, followed by a paraphrase (based on memory) of some words from The Last of the Just, by André Schwarz-Bart.


"Why are you crying?"
I asked my mother.

"Because President
Roosevelt died.
He was a good man,
and we liked him
very much.
You wouldn't

She was right,
but I was only
two and a half.

I didn't know
the meaning of
or even
the meaning of

But I knew,
as I meditated
under the
keyboard of
the upright
that there was
a mystery



I first saw him
when we were both
teachers at the
language school.
I was in my twenties,
he in his sixties.
He was bundled up
in an overcoat
at any time of year.
He'd been in a
concentration camp
during the War.
Twenty years later,
he still had a
haunted and
frightened look.
We had both stayed
in the same skid row
hotel in San
Francisco when we
first arrived, but
years later,
he was still there.
It seemed a cruel
fate, that he
could only survive
by teaching
Over the years
his name
has evolved
in my mind,
until now
I think of him
as Mister



The sun warms my entire body
as I circle the pool,
wielding the long-handled
wand to skim
leaves from the surface,
wearing only
my hat.

My wife, sitting
"you look like
a Venice



"They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks in them shall know peace." --Isaiah 59.8

Smith and Wesson,
only two to a person.
Something to protect
their fearful lives
from the
of desperate
kitchen knives.


I've slept in the Old Ghetto
of Venice, and visited all
the standing synagogues
of Spain, but how
do I remember
a shtetl in the Ukraine?
A doctor in a skull cap?
A Talmud I've not studied?
Languages I've barely learned?
There is a genealogy
of the soul,
a DNA of the spirit,
and when it speaks,
we should hear it.

10/11/15, revised Nov. 16 2016


Lo vi por primera vez
cuando los dos éramos
profesores en la
escuela de idiomas.
Yo estaba en mis veinte años,
y él en sus sesenta.
Estaba envuelto
en un abrigo pesado
en cualquier estación del año.
Había estado en un
campo de concentración
durante la guerra.
Veinte años más tarde,
todavía tenía un
aspecto perseguido
y asustado.
Los dos habíamos estado
en el mismo hotel deslustrado
y barato en San
Francisco cuando
llegamos, pero
años después,
él todavía estaba allí.
Que él sólo podía
sobrevivir mediante
la enseñanza
del alemán
parecía un
destino cruel.
A través de los años
su nombre
ha evolucionado
en mi mente,
hasta ahora
que pienso en él
como el Señor

30 de octubre 2015

by Pablo Neruda,

And when, on the way back,
your mouth gleamed under the pinegroves
of Datitla, and above,
extravagant birds
whistled, crackled
and sang
under the moon of Montevideo, then
I returned to your love,
to the joy of your wide eyes,
I got down and touched the earth,
loving you and loving
my lucky wanderings.

translated by Donald Traxler October 3 2015


Serial number,
A number
On a card,
Or on your arm.
A fingerprint,
A photograph,
A symbol
Between your
Or between
Your legs.
A star
On your lapel,
A poem,
A prayer,
A gene in
The double helix,
A song or a
Poem in
Your heart.

9/30/15, rev. 11/29/16

Neither Time nor Space (with translations: ptl, es, fr)


If neither time nor space
were any barrier at all,
what would we choose to do?
Travel to unknown galaxies,
visit alien cities?
Right the wrongs of history,
hear the sounds
of extinct languages,
live in more romantic eras?
Or would we only choose
to reunite with those
who are no longer here?

20 Oct 2015

[portunhol surenho]

Se nem tempo nem espaço eram alguma barreira, qué escosheríamo fazé? Viajá para galáxias desconhecidas, visitá cidades estrangeiras? Corregí os erros da história, ouvir os sons de línguas extintas, viver em eras mais románticas? Ou somente escosheríamo reunir-nos com aqueles quem non están mais acá?


Si ni el tiempo ni el espacio fueran alguna barrera en absoluto, ¿Qué elegiríamos hacer? ¿Viajar a galaxias desconocidas, visitar ciudades extraterrestres? ¿Corregir los errores de la historia, escuchar los sonidos de lenguas extintas, vivir en eras más románticas? ¿O solo elegiríamos reunirnos con aquellos que ya no están aquí?


Si ni le temps ni l'espace était une barrière du tout, que choisirions-nous de faire? Voyager aux galaxies inconnues, visiter des villes étrangères? Corriger les torts de l'histoire, entendre les sons de langues éteintes, vivre dans des époques plus romantiques? Ou pourrions-nous seulement choisir nous réunir avec ceux qui ne sont plus là?

Our love for you,
dear Rebbe,
was your downfall,
but in it,
you live still.
"He who keeps you
will not sleep."

9/22/15, ed. 10/5/16

Mercy and Truth (with translations)


"Let not mercy and truth forsake thee..." --Prv. 3.3

Two flags float
In a fragile bottle
On a stormy sea.
The rocks are near,
But where is mercy?

18 October 2015


שני דגלים צפים בבקבוק שביר על ים סוער. הסלעים קרובים, אבל איפה רחמים?


اثنين من أعلام تعويم في زجاجة هشة على بحر عاصف. الصخور قريبة، ولكن أين هي الرحمة؟