Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Gymniad LVI - Every Body Is Miraculous (with translations: ptl, es, fr)

Every body is miraculous,
every body has undreamed-of
strength and stamina at need.
But we must find fitting projects
and challenges, and not waste
this gift on greed.
The world will tell us
what we want to hear,
so we must listen
to the inner ear,
and follow the better part,
the unfailing wisdom
of the heart.

[portunhol surenho]

Todo corpo é milagroso,
todo corpo tem non-sabido
forza y resistencia na necessidade.
Mas devemo encontrá projetos
y desafios adequados, y non gastá
este regalo em avaricia.
O mundo nos dirá
o que queremo ouvir,
entón devemo ouvir
para o ouvido interno,
y seguí a meshor parte,
a sabedoría infalível
do corazón.


Cada cuerpo es milagroso,
cada cuerpo tiene inimaginable
fuerza y resistencia en necesidad.
Pero debemos encontrar proyectos
y desafíos adecuados, y no desperdiciar
este regalo en avaricia.
El mundo nos dirá
lo que queremos oir,
entonces debemos escuchar
al oído interno,
y seguir la mejor parte,
la sabiduría infalible
del corazón.


Chaque corps est miraculeux,
chaque corps a insoupçonné
force et endurance au besoin.
Mais nous devons trouver des projets
et défis appropriés, et non gaspiller
ce cadeau sur la cupidité.
Le monde nous dira
ce que nous voulons entendre,
Nous devons donc écouter
l'oreille interne,
et suivre la meilleure partie,
la sagesse infaillible
du coeur.

Gymniad LV - Noble Companion through Life (with translations: ptl, es, fr)

Noble companion through life,
the body is the vehicle
of our adventures
and our growth
in wisdom.
The body is to be
and respected,
but not worshiped.
When the body ceases
to serve,
we must lay it down,
perhaps to seek

[portunhol surenho]

Nobre companheiro através da vida,
o corpo é o veículo
de nossas aventuras
y nosso crescimento
em sabedoria.
O corpo deve ser
y respeitado
mas non adorado.
Quando o corpo cessa
devemos colocá-lo,
talvez para buscá


Noble compañero a través de la vida,
el cuerpo es el vehículo
de nuestras aventuras
y nuestro crecimiento
en sabiduría.
El cuerpo debe ser
y respetado,
pero no adorado.
Cuando el cuerpo cesa
debemos dejarlo,
quizás para buscar


Compagnon noble à travers la vie,
le corps est le véhicule
de nos aventures
et notre croissance
dans la sagesse.
Le corps doit être
et respecté,
mais pas adoré.
Quand le corps cesse
nous devons le poser,
peut-être chercher
un autre.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nano, Parts IX - XIV

Nano, Part IX.

Nano struggled, as
the Great Depression
came and went,
mostly alone. For
a time, she placed
her children in a
Catholic orphanage.
Roosevelt's WPA
gave her work
as a seamstress.
She wrote poems,
published in the
local newspaper.

Nano, Part X.

Nano lost a son,
her youngest,
and went gray
Still she wrote
A son and three
daughters married.
But when it came
to men,
her thoughts
were her own.

Nano, Part XI.

This was something new.
As my mother poured
water from the stove
into the tub, my
grandmother stood naked
in the kitchen.
"Why don't you find
a man? You're still
in your fifties,"
my mother said.
Even I, at four
years old, could
see that she
had been,
was still,

Nano, Part XII.

"What's this I found
on your dresser,"
my mother asked
my grandmother.
"These are not your
"No," my grandmother
answered, "they are
Mr. Foltz's glasses."
"But, Mother, he's been
gone for twenty years!"
"I know," my
grandmother said,
"but I always thought
he might come back
and need them."

When it came to men,
Nano's thoughts
were her own.

Nano, Part XIV.

No, there is no
Part thirteen,
which to Nano
would have meant
bad luck, along
with black cats,
crows at the
window, and
certain tea leaves.

She left us
at a ripe age,
still loving
and reciting

Unfortunately, Nano
never again
saw Ireland.

I hope she sees it now.

Atlántida, Uruguay, May 12 2016

Photo: Susan Traxler Martin

Nano, Parts V - VIII

Nano, Part V.

From the deck of the Mauretania
Nano had her last glimpse
of her beloved Ireland.
The young man visited her
relatives, asking about her,
but she never saw him again.
Her sister kindly wrote to her
for more than fifty years,
often sending the Holly
Bough at Christmas,
but Nano never saw
Ireland again.

Photo: Susan Traxler Martin

Nano, Part VI.

In Nogales, Arizona,
there was little need
of French, and the only pianos
were in saloons.
Nano lost her brother,
and then her mother.
She taught school
in the dusty, desert town,
so unlike Ireland.
The only thing she found
familiar was the Latin
of the Mass.

Nano, Part VII.

In Arizona, Nano married
a miner and storekeeper who
was twenty years her senior.
He drank too much, once threw
a frying pan at her, and even
shot at her, as she ran
from the house.
But she would give him
children, and when
the Easter Rising came in
Ireland, she was pregnant
with her first son.

Nano, Part VIII.

Nano struggled as the
years went by, in
Arizona and then
in California, where
she married another man.
He was a gambler,
an artist,
a musician, and
a serial deserter of
his family.
While the children
continued to come,
Ireland, at least most
of it, became
an independent
country, one that
Nano would
never know.

In the Land my Grandmother Left

In the land my grandmother left,
the June days are very long.
When the sun comes out, it's heaven,
and the mourning doves sing
a different song,
inviting me to know
how it must have been.

I think of her wrenching step
as her foot left the land.

Midleton, East Cork, June 12 2016

Monday, January 29, 2018

White-bearded Gentleman

I am a white-bearded gentleman,
with a raging beast inside.
No one can know this passion,
no one can turn this tide.
No one can slow my reckless speed,
no one can shame me.
Those who would try, take heed,
for only love can tame me.
Agents of control and greed,
you'll never, ever name me.
Life can paint my picture,
but only love can frame me,
only love inflame me..

Nano, Parts I - IV

Nano, Part I

In a yellow house on Main Street,
in Whitegate, County Cork,
Nano helps her mother
to fill the shop window
with apple pies and turnovers
and cherry cobblers.
She grew up without her father,
so when it comes to men,
she has little to compare to,
and her thoughts
are her own.
As she makes pastries
and waits on customers,
Nano composes poems.

Nano, Part II

Nano attended a convent school,
where she learned to speak French
and play the piano.
Now, as she works,
Nano writes wistful and
reflective poems,
full of love of
nature, and love of
Still, she does not marry,
and when it comes to men,
her thoughts are her own.

Courtesy of Patricia Traxler

Nano, Part III

Her mother has now left
for America,
with a brother who is
ill and dying.
The shop sold,
Nano stays with her
married sister.
In that larger house,
in another Cork town,
she occasionally bakes
a pie, a turnover,
or a cobbler.
Still she does not marry,
and when it comes to men,
her thoughts are her own.

Nano, Part IV

In Guileen, Nano walks
by the water's edge,
where the tender will take her
to the ship.
She falls to talking with
a young man of her age.
With a gust of wind,
her picture hat takes wing.
He climbs over the low seawall
and retrieves it for her.
Somehow, while they talk
and while they walk
the paths of the cliff,
the afternoon passes.
He asks for her address,
and she gives it,
but she is leaving
for America
in the morning.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Gymniad LIV - The Range of Light (with translations)

The range of light
is like the range of words,
and form
is always form.
There is nothing to say
about a naked person,
and their naturalness
asserts itself,
leaving the clothed
to envy their comfort,
and their freedom.

Be the one envied,
if you can.

[portunhol surenho]

A gama de luz
é como a gama de palavras,
y forma
é sempre forma.
Non hay nada a dizer
sobre uma pessoa nua,
y sua naturalidade
deishando o vestido
invejá su conforto,
y a sua liberdade.

Seja invejável,
se voce pode.


El rango de luz
es como el rango de palabras,
y forma
es siempre forma.
No hay nada que decir
sobre una persona desnuda,
y su naturalidad
se impone,
dejando a los vestidos
envidiar su comodidad,
y su libertad.

Sé el envidiado,
si puedes.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

In the first half of 2016, I wrote a poem in fourteen parts, called Nano. Because it represented a lot of typing, I skipped it when I started this blog. I have been asked to include it, though, and this is as good a time as any, since the Gymniad series is essentially finished.

Nano is about my grandmother's experiences when she came to the US from Ireland in 1911. An earlier version, in prose, was called Nano in the Wild West, which describes well what it is about.
The poem series is dedicated to my cousin Nano Murphy, of Midleton, East Cork, Ireland. She is the namesake of the original Nano, my grandmother, Nora "Nano" Dunne Hanes, of Whitegate, Cork.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Gymniad LIII - We Are So Very Lucky (with translations)

Sitting naked at the dining room table,
my body is caressed by a soft breeze
from outside.
The front door has blown wide open--
I could be seen,
but it doesn't matter.
We have put ourselves
out to pasture
in a place where people
have their own lives,
and you can have yours.

[portunhol surenho]

Sentado nu a la mesa da sala de jantá,
meu corpo se acaricia por uma brisa suave
de fora.
A porta da frente se abreu bem por o vento--
eu poderia ser visto,
mas non importa.
Nos colocamos
para o pasto
num lugar onde as pessoas
tem suas proprias vidas,
y voce pode ter a sua.


Sentado desnudo a la mesa del comedor,
mi cuerpo se acaricia por una suave brisa
desde afuera.
La puerta de entrada se ha abierto de par en par--
podría ser visto,
pero no importa.
Nos hemos puesto
a pastar
en un lugar donde la gente
tiene sus propias vidas,
y puedes tener la tuya.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The End of the Gymniad Series?

Is Gymniad LII the last poem in the Gymniad series? Perhaps. My only model is a rather tired 75-year-old man, I'm running out of poses, and I think I've said most of what I wanted to say on the subject of natural nudity. I think it's an important subject, so I may revisit it in some form in the future. It has been a very successful series, but I think it may be time to move on.

I offer two photographs for your consideration, both taken while on a trip to Ireland in June of 2016. The first, fully clothed, was taken on a bench behind a house that was once owned by members of my grandmother's family.

It is, as you might expect, a picture that has great meaning for me.

The second, nude, was taken on the same trip, in the bathroom of a hotel room just a few feet away.

The second photograph is also very meaningful to me, and as a matter of fact it inspired the first poem I wrote on the subject of nudity.

Both pictures have deep meaning for me. The point, though, is that there are many things to write about besides nudity, I intend to write about as many of them as I can.

Gymniad LII - There Is Nothing to Say (with translations)

There is nothing to say
about a naked human being.
We are without attributes
until judgments are made.

There is nothing to say
about body-acceptance
and tolerance of diversity.
until they are not present.

There is nothing to say
about joy in nature,
until it is lacking.

There is nothing to say
about comfort and efficiency
until you don't have them.

There is nothing to say
about respect,
until there is none.

The same is true
of freedom.

[portunhol surenho]

Non hay nada a dizer
sobre um ser humano nu.
Estamo sem atributos
até que os julgamentos sesham feitos.

Non hay nada a dizer
sobre a aceptasón do corpo
y tolerancia a la diversidade.
até que elas non estesham presentes.

Non hay nada a dizer
sobre alegria na natureza,
até que estesha faltando.

Non hay nada a dizer
sobre conforto y eficiencia
até que voce non os tenha.

Non hay nada a dizer
sobre o respeito
até que non hasha nenhum.

O mesmo é verdade
da liberdade.


No hay nada que decir
sobre un ser humano desnudo.
Estamos sin atributos
hasta que se hagan juicios

No hay nada que decir
sobre la aceptación del cuerpo
y tolerancia de la diversidad.
hasta que no estén presentes.

No hay nada que decir
sobre la alegría en la naturaleza,
hasta que falta.

No hay nada que decir
sobre la comodidad y la eficiencia
hasta que no las tengas.

No hay nada que decir
sobre el respeto,
hasta que no haya ninguno.

Lo mismo es verdad
de la libertad.


कहने के लिये कुछ नहीं है
एक नग्न इंसान के बारे में
हम विशेषताओं के बिना हैं
जब तक निर्णय किए जाते हैं

कहने के लिये कुछ नहीं है
शरीर-स्वीकृति के बारे में
और विविधता की सहिष्णुता
जब तक वे मौजूद नहीं हैं

कहने के लिये कुछ नहीं है
प्रकृति में खुशी के बारे में,
जब तक यह कमी नहीं है

कहने के लिये कुछ नहीं है
आराम और दक्षता के बारे में
जब तक आप उन्हें नहीं है

कहने के लिये कुछ नहीं है
सम्मान के बारे में,
जब तक कोई भी नहीं है

यही सच है
स्वतंत्रता की।

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Gymniad LI - Ancestral Campfires (+ptl, es, fr, hi, ud ꭴꮪꭹ)

Ancestral campfires
stir in my blood,
and their stories
speak in my genes,
telling of an endless
fight for freedom.

You cannot make me
what I'll not be,
nor imprison
what was born free.

[portunhol surenho]

Fogueiras ancestrais
se moven no meu sangue,
e suas historias
falan em meus genes
contando de uma luta
interminável pela liberdade.

Voce non pode me fazer
o que eu non serei
nem preso
o que nasceu livre.


Hogueras ancestrales de campamento
se mueven en mi sangre,
y sus historias
hablan en mis genes,
contando de una lucha sinfín
por la libertad.

No puedes hacer de mi
lo que no seré,
ni encarcelar
lo que nació libre.


Feux de camp ancestraux
meuvent dans mon sang,
et leurs histoires
parlent dans mes gènes,
racontant une infinie
lutte pour la liberté.

Tu ne peux pas me faire
ce que je ne serai pas,
ni emprisonner
Ce qui est né libre.


पैतृक शिविर
मेरे खून में हलचल,
और उनकी कहानियाँ
मेरे जीनों में बोलो,
एक अंतहीन की कह रही है
स्वतंत्रता के लिए लड़ो।

तुम मुझे मना नहीं सकते
मैं क्या नहीं हूँ,
न ही कैद
जो कि पैदा हुआ था मुफ़्त

[Udugi ꭴꮪꭹ]

hilvhiyui alewisdodi-atsilvdi
adanvsase aqua gigv hawina,
ale unatseli kanohelvsgidi
kanegvase aqua gigv-asdawadvsdodi hawina,
kanohesgv nutloyasdvna ulisdv
adisvsdi dohi-adedi nasgihai.

Nihi dla yeliquase gotlvdi ayv
gado-usdi aya dla gesvose,
ale didasdudigi
gado-usdi udenv asequui.



About Languages (updated 25 Feb. 2018)

I've recently learned that I can significantly increase the size of my poetic following by translating my poems, most of which are originally written in English, into a few other languages. Currently I am translating into Portunhol Surenho (a Portuguese-Spanish border language), Spanish, French, and sometimes Esperanto or Hindi, depending on the subject. I have occasionally translated into Catalán and Italian, and if there were enough demand, I would do it. The important point is that, although many people can use English as a second language, they may not be able to enjoy poetry written in English, at least not without some help.

I have quite a history with languages. In theory, I can speak English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Esperanto. You will notice that the list doesn't include Portuguese, although I've read whole books in the language. If you say to me, in the accent of Rio, "No Brasil, as melhores músicas são as músicas antigas," I will not understand you. This has been proven. But if you say to me in Portunhol, "En Brasil, as meshores canzones son as canzones veshas," I will surely understand you. When I'm in Brazil, I speak Portunhol, and am understood, at least in the south. I don't claim to speak Portuguese, although I can read it.

So much for theory. In practice, I was born in California, thirty kilometers from the Mexican border. My native language is English. I learned Spanish early in life, and the Spanish I learned at that time was Mexican Spanish. I have a real love for Mexico, Mexican music, and Mexican food, but I have not been in the country for perhaps twenty-five years.

One thing about me is that I'm a chameleon. When my wife and I were living in Spain (Barcelona), I picked up the accent and the rhythms of Spanish as spoken in that country. When I immigrated to Uruguay, some (rather pretentious) people really liked the way I spoke Spanish. That was five years ago, and now I talk pretty much like everybody else here. We drink more ma-te per capita than any other country, and we speak gaucho.

If your language is one that I might have some familiarity with and you'd like me to provide translations of my poems into that language, let me know (exolinguist at gmail dot com). I'll think about it, and will try if there is sufficient demand. If you'd like to translate my poems into your own language, I'll be happy to try to help.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Gymniad L - I Hope that By Now (with translations)

I hope that by now
you can take my nakedness
in stride--it is,
after all, an everyday
thing. It belongs to
the hottest time of year
(right now), and to
the coldest. I live
in my skin.

My nudity is
precious to me,
and I will never
give it up.

You shouldn't,

[portunhol surenho]

Espero que neste punto
voce pode aceptá
minha nudez com calma - é,
afinal, uma coisa
cotidiana. Isso pertenece a
la época mais quente do ano
(agora mesmo), y a
la mais fria. Eu vivo
na minha pele.

Minha nudez é
preciosa para mim
y eu nunca vou a

Voce non devería,


Espero que a este punto
puedes tomar mi desnudez
con calma - es,
después de todo, una cosa
de todos los días. Pertenece a
la época más caliente del año
(ahora mismo), y a
la más fría. Yo vivo
en mi piel.

Mi desnudez es
preciosa para mí,
y nunca voy a
renunciar a ella.

Tú no deberías,

Monday, January 22, 2018

Gymniad XLIX - This Living Statue (with translations)

This living statue
decorates my garden
at all seasons.
The work of a master
sculptor, it was
millions of years
in the execution.

Who am I
to drape it,
and hide it?

[portunhol surenho]

Esta estátua viva
decora meu jardim
em todas as estasones.
O trabasho de um mestre
escultor, foi
mishones de anos
na execusón.

Quem sou eu
para cobrí-la,
y escondé-la?


Esta estatua viviente
decora mi jardín
en todas las estaciones.
El trabajo de un maestro
escultor, era
millones de años
en la ejecución.

Quién soy yo
para cubrirla,
y ocultarla?


यह जीवित मूर्ति
मेरे बगीचे को सजाती है
सभी मौसमों में
एक मास्टर का काम
मूर्तिकार, यह था
लाखों साल
निष्पादन में

मैं कौन हूँ
इसे कवर करने के लिए,
और इसे छिपाना?

Gymniad XLVIII - Our Needs Are Hardly Different (with translations)

Our needs are hardly different
from those gone before us,
and yet we have been
saddled with strange burdens
and covered with a veneer
of things that do not matter.
Had we need, we could
survive in nature,
but whether we shall
survive the thing called
is an open question.

[portunhol surenho]

Nossas necessidades apenas son diferentes
dos que foram antes de nós,
y ainda assim fomos
selado com cargas estranhas
y coberto com um fosheado
de coisas que non importam.
Se precisássemo, poderíamo
sobreviver na natureza
mas se vamo a
sobreviver ao chamado
é uma questión aberta.


Nuestras necesidades son apenas diferentes
de aquellos que se fueron antes que nosotros,
y sin embargo, hemos sido
cargados de extrañas cargas
y cubierto con una chapa
de cosas que no importan.
Si hubiésemos necesitado, podríamos
sobrevivir en la naturaleza,
pero si vamos a
sobrevivir a lo que se llama
es una pregunta abierta.

Gymniad XLVII - We Tend to Forget

We tend to forget it,
but we are part
of nature.

We take for granted
the relationships
that describe
our interdependence.

We are not the only
species on the planet,
we are just
the most
destructive one.

Nudity helps us
to remember our place
in nature,
and to act

[portunhol surenho]

Nós tendemo a esquecer-lo,
mas somo parte
da natureza.

Non pensamo
nas relasones
que descrevem
nossa interdependencia.

Non somo a única
espécie no planeta,
somo somente
a mais

A nudez nos ajuda
para lembrar nosso lugar
na natureza,
y agir


Tendemos a olvidarlo,
pero somos parte
de la naturaleza.

Nosotros damos por sentadas
las relaciones
que describen
nuestra interdependencia.

No somos la única
especie en el planeta,
solo somos
la más

La desnudez nos ayuda
para recordar nuestro lugar
en la naturaleza,
y actuar
según eso.


हम इसे भूल जाते हैं,
लेकिन हम हिस्सा हैं
प्रकृति का।

हम महत्व नहीं समझते
यह रिश्ते
कि वर्णन
हमारी परस्पर निर्भरता

हम केवल एकमात्र नहीं हैं
ग्रह पर प्रजातियां,
हम सिर्फ हैं
विनाशकारी एक

नग्नता हमारी मदद करता है
हमारी जगह याद रखना
प्रकृति में,
और कार्य करने के लिए

Gymniad XLVI - Natural Nudity (with translations)

Natural nudity
is unremarkable.
There is nothing to say
about a naked person
just because they
choose to be naked.
We were all born
this way, and some
choose to live this way
as much as possible.

It is not a requirement,
but it is a right.

[portunhol surenho]

Desnudez natural
non é notável.
Non há nada a dizer
sobre uma pessoa nua
só porque escosha ficá nu.
Nós nascemos
desta forma, y alguns
escoshen viver dessa maneira
tanto quanto possível.

Non é um requisito,
mas é um direito.


Desnudez natural
no tiene nada especial.
No hay nada que decir
sobre una persona desnuda
solo porque
elige estar desnudo.
Todos nacimos
de esta manera, y algunos
eligen vivir así
cuanto más se pueda.

No es un requisito,
pero es un derecho.


प्राकृतिक नग्नता
उल्लेखनीय नहीं है
कहने के लिये कुछ नहीं है
एक नग्न व्यक्ति के बारे में
सिर्फ इसलिए कि वे
नग्न होने का चयन करें।
हम सब पैदा हुए थे
इस तरह, और कुछ
इस तरह से जीने का चयन करें
जितना संभव।

यह एक आवश्यकता नहीं है,
लेकिन यह हमारा अधिकार है।

Gymniad XLV - One Thing I Can Tell You (with translations)

"One thing I can tell you
is you've got to be free."

--John Lennon, "Come Together"

[portunhol surenho]

"Uma coisa que eu posso te dizer
é que voce tem que ser livre ".


"Una cosa que puedo decirte
es que tienes que ser libre "


"एक बात जो मैं आपको बता सकता हूं
यह है कि आपको स्वतंत्र होने की आवश्यकता है।"

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Gymniad XLIV - A Human Body (with translations)

A human body
is a marvelous gift,
not something to be
or to be ashamed of,
or to be wasted.

Let the body be
our teacher and
our guide
to fulfilling
our human

Without free bodies,
there can be
no truly human

[portunhol surenho]

Um corpo humano
é um regalo maravishoso,
non é algo para ser
ou para envergonhar-se,
ou para ser desperdiciado.

Que o corpo seja
nosso professor e
nosso guia
para cumprir
nosso potencial

Sem corpos livres,
non pode haver
um futuro
verdadeiramente humano.


Un cuerpo humano
es un regalo maravilloso,
no es algo para ser
o de que estar avergonzado,
o para ser desperdiciado

Que el cuerpo sea
nuestro maestro y
nuestro guía
para cumplir
nuestro potencial

Sin cuerpos libres,
no puede haber
un futuro
verdaderamente humano.


एक मानव शरीर
एक अद्भुत उपहार है,
कुछ नहीं होने के लिए
छिपा हुआ,
या शर्म आनी चाहिए,
या बर्बाद होने के लिए

शरीर को होने दें
हमारे शिक्षक और
हमारा मार्गदर्शक
पूरा करने के लिए
हमारे मानव

मुक्त निकायों के बिना,
वहाँ हो सकता है
वास्तव में मानव नहीं

Gymniad XLIII - You're an Old Man (with translations)

"You're an old man,"
my wife said,
"your body is no longer

I said,
"truth is also

[portunhol surenho]

"Você é um homem vesho"
minha esposa disse
"seu corpo non é mais

"As vezes,"
Eu disse,
"a verdade também é


"Eres un anciano"
mi esposa dijo,
"tu cuerpo ya no está

"A veces,"
"la verdad es también


"आप एक बूढ़ा आदमी हो,"
मेरी पत्नी ने कहा,
"आपका शरीर अब नहीं है
"कभी कभी,"
मैंने कहा,
"सत्य भी है

Gymniad XLII - Nudity Has Power (with translations)

Nudity has power
and magic.
Witches and tantrics
knew this,
so did cardinals
and kings.

This power is at
the root of life,
and we need it
for our survival.

[portunhol surenho]

A nudez tem poder
y magia.
Bruxas y tántricos
sabían de esto,
os cardeais
y reis também.

Este poder é cerca
da raiz da vida
y nós precisamo disso
para nossa sobrevivencia.

Este poder
deve ser devolvido
para a gente,
porque é
nosso direito de nascimento.


La desnudez tiene poder
y magia.
Brujas y tántricos
sabían esto,
también lo sabían cardenales
y reyes.

Este poder está cerca de
la raíz de la vida,
y lo necesitamos
para nuestra supervivencia.

Este poder
debe ser devuelto
a la gente,
porque es
nuestro derecho de nacimiento.


नग्नता में शक्ति है
और जादू
चुड़ैलों और टैंट्रिक्स
यह जानता था,
ऐसा कार्डिनल्स था
और राजाओं

यह शक्ति है
जीवन की जड़,
और हमें इसकी आवश्यकता है
हमारे अस्तित्व के लिए

यह शक्ति
अवश्य लौटाएं
लोगों को,
क्योंकि यह है
हमारे जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Gymniad XLI - It's Only a Naked Selfie (with translations)

It's only a naked selfie,
like so many others,
and at this point you will
take it in stride.
You will realize that
it means nothing,
and that this is
the me
of every day.

Perhaps my work here
is done.

When I see the same from you,
with your own poems,
I'll know
that my work
has borne fruit.

we will birth
the future.

[portunhol surenho]

É solo una selfie nua,
como tantas outras,
y neste ponto voce vai
pegue-o com calma.
Voce perceberá que
non significa nada,
y que eso é
o eu
de todos os dias.

Talvez meu trabalho acá
é feito.

Quando eu veo o mesmo de voce,
com seus próprios poemas,
eu saberei
que meu trabalho
deu frutos.

nós nasceremos
o futuro.


Es solo una selfie desnuda,
como tantas otras,
y en este momento la vas a
recibir con calma.
Te darás cuenta de que
no significa nada,
y que esto es
el yo
de todos los días

Quizás mi trabajo aquí
está hecho.

Cuando veo lo mismo de ti,
con tus propios poemas,
Yo sabré
que mi trabajo
ha dado fruto.

vamos a nacer
el futuro.

Gymniad XL - Will This Body Be Fuel (with translations)

Will this body be fuel
for the bonfire of the planet,
or will it be the raw
material that drives
my dreams and leads
to growth in consciousness?

Nagna says:
Who's in charge here?

--Nagna Devidas (Donald Traxler)

[portunhol surenho]

Este corpo será combustível
para a fogueira do planeta,
ou será o material
bruto que impele
meus sonhos y conduz
ao crescimento da consciencia?

Nagna diz:
Quem está no comando acá?


¿Este cuerpo será combustible
para la hoguera del planeta,
o será la materia prima
que impulsa
mis sueños y conduce
al crecimiento en la conciencia?

Nagna dice:
¿Quién está a cargo aquí?


क्या यह शरीर ईंधन होगा
ग्रह के अलाव के लिए,
या यह कच्चा होगा
सामग्री है कि धक्का
मेरे सपनों और लाता है
चेतना में वृद्धि?

नग्न कहते हैं:
प्रभार में कौन यहाँ है?

Friday, January 19, 2018

Gymniad XXXIX - When Nude Is No Less Normal (with translations)

When nude is no less normal
than clothed,
when nudity is not worthy
of comment,
then we will be
free to be
and to manifest
our human
Until then,
we serve the machine
that consumes us.

Until then,
we are fuel,
we are a commodity,
we are slaves.

Until then,
we are shrink-wrapped
and paletted
for the convenience
of our owners.

Until then,
our ersatz lives
only imitate life,
and enrich
our masters.

Take off
the dog collar,
and be free!

[portunhol surenho]

Quando nu non é menos normal
do que vestido,
quando a nudez non é digna
de comentário,
entón seremos
livres para ser
nós mesmos,
y para manifestá
nosso potencial
Até entón,
servimos a máquina
que nos consome.

Até entón,
somos combustível,
somos uma mercadoria,
somos escravos.

Até entón,
estamos envoltos, encoshidos
y paletados
por conveniencia
dos nossos proprietarios.

Até entón,
nossa ersatz vida
solo imita la vida,
y enriquece
nossos mestres.

o colar de cachorro
y seja livre!


Cuando desnudo no es menos normal
que vestido,
cuando la desnudez no es digna
de comentario,
entonces estaremos
libres para ser
nosotros mismos,
y manifestar
nuestro potencial
Hasta entonces,
servimos a la máquina
que nos consume.

Hasta entonces,
somos combustible,
somos una mercancía,
somos esclavos.

Hasta entonces,
estamos envueltos
y paletizados
por conveniencia
de nuestros dueños.

Hasta entonces,
nuestras ersatz vidas
solo imitan la vida,
y enriquecen
nuestros maestros.

el collar de perro,
y se libre!

Gymniad XXXVIII - Sunlight and Shadow (with translations)

Sunlight and shadow,
the seen and the unseen,
the known and the unknown,
is all we have,
and all we need.
This life is relative,
and full of illusion,
but we can at least try
to keep it honest.

That honesty
will bring us closer

[portunhol surenho]

Luz solar y sombra,
o visto y o invisível,
o conhecido y o desconhecido,
é tudo o que temos,
y tudo o que precisamos.
Esta vida é relativa,
y cheia de ilusón,
mas podemos pelo menos tratá
de mantê-la honesta.

Essa honestidade
nos va a acercá.


La luz del sol y la sombra,
lo visto y lo invisible,
lo conocido y lo desconocido,
es todo lo que tenemos,
y todo lo que necesitamos.
Esta vida es relativa,
y llena de ilusión,
pero al menos podemos intentar
mantenerla honesta.

Esa honestidad
nos acercará.


सनशाइन और छाया,
देखा और अनदेखी,
ज्ञात और अज्ञात,
हमारे पास है,
और हम सभी की जरूरत है
यह जीवन सापेक्ष है,
और माया से भरी,
लेकिन हम कम से कम कोशिश कर सकते हैं
इसे ईमानदार रखने के लिए

वह ईमानदारी
हमें करीब लाएगा
साथ में।

Gymniad XXXVII - This Is Not About Me (with translations PTL, ES, Hindi)

This is not about me,
it is about all of us.
It is about freeing
our bodies,
so that we can free
our minds.
It is about
joyfully rejoining
so that we can live,
and thrive.

It is about
being truly

[portunhol surenho]

Esto non é sobre mi,
é sobre todos nós.
Trata-se de liberá
nossos corpos,
para que possamos liberá
nossas mentes.
É sobre
alegremente juntando-nós
a la natureza,
para que possamos vivé,
y prosperá.

É sobre
sendo verdadeiramente


Esto no es sobre mí,
se trata de todos nosotros.
Se trata de liberar
nuestros cuerpos,
para que podamos liberar
nuestras mentes.
Se trata de
volver con alegría
a la naturaleza,
para que podamos vivir,
y prosperar.

Se trata de
ser verdaderamente


यह मेरे बारे में नहीं है,
यह हम सभी के बारे में है
यह मुक्त करने के बारे में है
हमारा शरीर,
ताकि हम मुफ्त कर सकें
हमारे दिमाग।
इसके बारे में है
खुशी से फिर से जोड़ना
ताकि हम जी सकें,
और बढ़ने

इसके बारे में है
सचमुच जा रहा है

Thursday, January 18, 2018

For Yakov

For my friend L.G. Corey, aka Yakov Lieb HaKohain,
who has left the world a lonelier place.

You were king of the mountain,
you old fart,
and so you should have been:
poet, teacher of Kabbalah,
and friend.
We had our difficult moments,
but still,
I looked up to you,
and learned from you.
I would happily fight with you now,
if I only could.
Shalom, Yakov,
may your portion be good.

Gymniad XXXVI - Fewer Words (with translations)

We need fewer words
when the body is free to speak.

[portunhol surenho]

Precisamos de menos palavras
quando o corpo é livre para falar.


Necesitamos menos palabras
cuando el cuerpo es libre para hablar.

Gymniad XXXV - Relaxed and natural (with translations)

Relaxed and natural,
we are open to life.

[portunhol surenho]

Relaxados y naturales,
estamo aberto a la vida.


Relajados y naturales,
estamos abiertos a la vida.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Our Real Body (with translations)

Our real body is
the universe,
and these are only
games that we play.

Nagna says: it is the play
of the Goddess.

--Nagna Devidas (Donald Traxler)

[portunhol surenho]

Nosso corpo real é
o universo,
y estos son solo
jogos que jogamo.

Nagna diz: é o jogo
da Deusa.


Nuestro cuerpo real es
el universo,
y estos son solo
juegos que jugamos

Nagna dice: es el juego
de la diosa.


हमारा वास्तविक शरीर है
और ये केवल हैं
हम खेलते हैं कि खेल

नग्न कहते हैं: यह लीला है
देवी की

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sylvain et Claude

Sylvain was a young man
in 1934 Paris.

Adonai Eloheinu

His father gone twelve years,
he was close to his mother,
He loved her religion,
and used


its symbols
as magical talismans
for protection.
There were Jewish
stars and names of
on every page
of the special book
in which he wrote
his dreams,
his fantasies,
and his love
for Claude.

Elohim Ts'vaoth

Sylvain wrote,
claiming protection.
They were both
piano students,
and in Sylvain's words,
Claude was
a virtuoso.


knows nothing
of  Claude now.


History knows nothing
of Sylvain either,
but Karola,
his artist mother,
fled to Perpignan,
and survived.


Sylvain wrote
Claude's name
on every page,
and coupled it
with his.
In shaky Hebrew
printing, he wrote
his talismans
to protect them both.
But by the end of the book,
Claude's name
was joined to another.

I don't know
if Sylvain survived
the Nazis,
but he could not
survive love.

Adonai, Adonai, Adonai

Sylvain's mother
had his special book
rebound in red
with gilded
page tops,
and somehow,
it came to me.

Adonai Eloheinu

Karola is gone now,
as are Sylvain and Claude.

The world forgot,
but I cannot.

May this poem serve
for their Kaddish.
