Friday, October 7, 2016


Nos tempos antigos as estatuas
fizeran milagros por trampería.
Agora lo faze qualquer bruxa
con verdadera bruxaría.

In ancient times the statues
worked miracles by trickery.
Now any witch can do it
with real witchcraft.

24 de agosto 2016

Para as doensas do mundo
a cura y meshor médico é amor,
y sempre a causa
de muita fraqueza é o temor.

For the illnesses of the world
the cure and best doctor is love,
and always the cause
of much weakness is fear.

É amor que faze o mundo forte,
é más grande que o medo,
facilmente se enfrenta ao morte
para salvar su caro objeto.

It is love that makes the world strong,
it is larger than fear,
it easily confronts death
to save its dear object.

Una sociedad que esconde o corpo
é una sociedad que está doente
y con os séculos se faze torpe,
até que al fin está morrente.

A society that hides the body
is a society that is sick
and with the centuries it becomes base,
until finally it is dying.

Sexo é a raiz da árvore
que une ceu con terrestre región
y de essa raiz vene
toda magia y religión.

Sex is the root of the tree
that unites heaven with earth
and from that root comes
all magic and religion.

25 de agosto 2016

The human mind is a strange thing, and we have no idea what its limits are. Almost all of these little Portunhol poems come to me in dreams, usually in the form of a seed image. I assume that they are from my own subconscious, but I don't really know. One of the strangest things is that, if there is language involved, it is often a mixture of languages, some of which, such as French, I never write poetry in. For example, here in XLVIII, the phrase that I have written as "qualquer bruxa" actually came to me in a mixture of Spanish and French, as "un wiccano quelconque." I have no idea why it came to me in those languages, but I edited "wiccano" to "bruxa," as being more appropriate.

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