Saturday, October 5, 2024

Do You Want to Build the New Earth? (+fr, es, eo)


Do you want to build the New Earth,

or do you want to feed the old one?

It's that simple.

Voulez-vous construire la Nouvelle Terre,

ou voulez-vous nourrir l'ancienne ?

C'est aussi simple que ça.

¿Quieres construir la Nueva Tierra,

o quieres alimentar la vieja?

Es así de simple.

Ĉu vi volas konstrui la Novan Teron,

aŭ ĉu vi volas nutri la maljunan?

Estas tiel simpla.

1 comment:

Éilís said...

Finally old enough to comment and see your blog without age-gating! Questions like this i've asked chatgpt and had some really interesting responses, but since it blocks screenshots i can't share... give it a try Don, you might find the answers interesting :)

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