Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I'm happy to announce that this poetry blog has now had 42,000 visits since its inception in early October 2016. The blog should really be called "You Never Know What's Coming Next," because I certainly don't.

I feel that my Udugi work is basically complete. I've given that language to the world to bring linguistic hope to those who most need it, and they can use it or not, as they see fit.

How these poems arrive, and where from, is a mystery. Often, the catalyst is a word that comes to me in a dream. For example, four days ago the word "etxea" came to me in a dream. It means "the house" in Basque, a language that I don't speak, but have studied a little. The result, the next day, was a poem about how the world is our house, and we should not destroy it.

Often these catalyst-words come to me in a language I don't customarily speak. If the language is other than English or Spanish, the languages of the mundane part of my life, I assume that the word or idea is coming from far away. Last night, for example, the word that came to me was "corrompu," which in French means "corrupted." I have no idea what, if anything, this will lead to.

The most exciting thing, for me, is when the catalyst arrives in an ancient language, such as Latin. I usually interpret such cases to mean that the idea is coming to me from far back in time, perhaps a past life.

Other catalysts for poems include photos I've taken, usually that same day. This is a form of inspiration that I like very much.

Much of the blog is about my spiritual journey, which is alive and well, I'm happy to say. I have no idea, though, where it will lead, either.

Thank you all for your interest in and moral support of my writing.

1 comment:

Donald Traxler said...

As it turns out, "corrompu" was the catalyst for Kali Gita 1, referring to "those whom greed has turned to demons."

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