Friday, August 2, 2024

Sunbathing in Winter


I live in the Southern Hemisphere. Southern August is equivalent to Northern February. But this is no ordinary winter, here in Uruguay. We normally get a "veranillo" (Indian summer) in July. But this one started in June, was on-and-off through July, and now is still going strong in August. When I got up this morning, the temperature outside was 68F/20C. A few hours later, it was 78F/27C. In the afternoon it reached a high of 64F/28C. Everyone is talking about how abnormal and unpredictable this winter is. Yesterday I took the bus into Atlántida for some shopping, and all the young people were wearing shorts and tank tops, things they would normally wear in the summer (which starts in November/December here.

The culprit seems to be strong winds (today 24-33 mph) from the North, from Paraguay and interior Brazil. Now we know why indigenous people in those areas traditionally wear very few clothes. Centuries or millennia of experience have taught them what works best. As a naturist/nudist, I have learned it for myself, avoiding the rashes that I get from high temperatures combined with high humidity.

Anyway, this was a rare opportunity to get some sunbathing in, so of course I did. It was very pleasant and relaxing.

Text and images Copyright © 2024 by Donald C. Traxler.

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