Saturday, August 28, 2021

As We Approach 120,000 Visits

Soon after getting up this morning, I checked the statistics for this blog, as I always do. Total visits (page-views, actually) had increased to 119, 708. In the prior 24-hour period there had been 145 visits. It's a healthy number, above average, but not a huge one. The only surprise, actually, was that the greatest number of page-views had come from Vietnam, a country that normally does not produce more than one or two views at a time. Here is the relevant graphic:

What does this mean? Don't know, to tell you the truth. The largest spike in activity came between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., my local time (EDT), as can be seen in the graph below:

The activity peak around 5 p.m. was due to the initial publication of my most recent entry, which garnered eighteen visits to the blog. The remainder of the activity through the 24-hour period came from the countries listed in the first graphic. More on this later.

I have a theory about the high level of interest from Vietnam. It is accompanied by an uptick in interest from Japan, Thailand, South Korea, and a few other countries where Buddhism is a prominent social, religious, and philosophical influence. Lately my posting has sounded more Buddhistic, but the influence is actually from the Advaita Vedanta of India. There are, of course, other possibilities. For example, Vietnam has a well established book-publishing industry, and someone there may be planning to pirate some of "my" work (which is really the Muse's work, and my play).

The rest of the 24-hour activity is pretty typical. My most loyal readers are in the US, Germany, France, Portugal, Sweden, and the Netherlands, along with Belgium, Spain, Italy, the UK, Poland, Romania, and other countries of Europe. Among these, the US dominates by quite a bit. Within the US, a single "reader" accounts for perhaps 2/3 of the activity. I strongly suspect that "reader" of being another would-be pirate. That is not, however, the only possibility.

This blog allows comments directly on the individual entries. The blog now contains more than 2,500 entries, but there are so far only 130 comments. I would love it if readers would enlighten me as to the reasons for their interest, but the bottom line is that I appreciate that interest, and thank you all for it.

Donald Traxler aka Nagna, ꭴᏸꮈꭽ.

Text and images Copyright © 2021 by Donald C. Traxler aka Nagna, ꭴᏸꮈꭽ.

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