Saturday, July 3, 2021

Dream? Or Astral?

 I keep a notebook beside my bed. I write there lines of poems, and other things that come into my head.

In the morning hours of today, I wrote "the laboratorium on "sea-gate." This was a reference to something that I had heard in a "dream" that was, perhaps, not a dream. It was, further, a reference to a fresh-faced young woman, I would say in her early twenties, who gave my soul a little more peace than it had had in the earlier hours of the morning. I was given to understand that she worked in the "laboratorium on sea-gate." I also knew, somehow, that "sea-gate" was not the correct spelling, and that it really began with "sz" or "sc." I deduced, from the English preposition "on," that it might be an island.

Once I was up. and sitting in front of the computer, I googled "seagate," and only came up with a maker of computer hard drives. "Sea-gate" was no better. In the back of my mind was the rather common Hungarian name "Szigethi" or "Szigethy." I had no idea what it meant, or if it even had a meaning, or how to pronounce it. A surname site that came up automatically told me that it meant "insular." I went to Google Translate and translated the English word "island" into Hungarian. It came up "sziget." I clicked on the little speaker symbol to hear the pronunciation, and a woman's voice pronounced it "see-gaet." I translated the English word "laboratory" into Hungarian, and it came up "laboratórium."

Now I would like to make it clear that I not only do not speak Hungarian, but I know NOTHING about Hungarian, which I have never studied. It is probably the only language in Europe that I do not at least know something about.

The first Hungarians I ever met were at an Esperanto meeting in San Francisco, in the middle 1960s. Since we did not speak each other's languages, we spoke "our" language, Esperanto. In the early 1980s, I knew a Hungarian family in Barcelona, but we conversed in either English or Spanish. I do not speak any Hungarian at all.

And yet, in my "dream," there were two words of the Hungarian language, referencing a woman whom I did not know (or at least, did not recognize). What am I to make of this? It seems to me that there are three possibilities:

1) It was just a dream, with no significance.

2) It was Astral-plane communication, at which I am becoming somewhat adept (I am developing the ability to function as a psychic medium). I experience many Astral communications, some intentionally, and some accidentally. Only once before has one of them involved a language that I do not speak (Vulgar Latin).

3) It may have been related to one of my past lives. I am a believer in reincarnation (although I see it a bit differently than some), so I regard this as also a possibility.

The least likely is 1). Either one or both of the other two may be in play here. I tend toward 2).

But who was the young woman who gave me a sense of peace?

Text and image Copyright © 2021 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

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