Thursday, February 4, 2021

106,000 Visits and One Ambivalent Medium

Today we are crossing the threshold of 106,000 visits to this blog. It took eight days to add a thousand visits (page-views), a rapid pace that is due mostly to pirate activity.

Photography is becoming a more and more important part of my creative work, and it is now a very integral part of my poetry.

I'm continuing to read the Zohar, in order to progress in my series Notes on the Zohar. It will necessarily be slow going, since just the commentary on Parshah Bereshith is 130 pages. I may be going at a snail's pace, but I'm enjoying it, and would not want to rush it.

I have many interests, not all of which get much mention in this blog. I am currently trying to further develop my abilities as a psychic medium. My belief is that we don't die, although our bodies do. Over the years I have received psychic communications from departed parents, aunts and uncles, former girlfriends, and other friends. All of those people died natural deaths, except for one car accident. Usually, these communications come as a surprise, often with identifying details that are quite amazing. I don't seek out publicly known figures, being more interested in interactions with people I have known personally.

Lately I have just tried to make myself as open as possible, especially around 3:55 a.m., which seems to be the most propitious time. On a couple of occasions recently I have received brief communications from people outside my own circle. The first one was guru Neem Karoli Baba (or Neeb Karori Baba). At first I didn't remember who he was, but it seemed to me that he had a good reputation. Look him up, if you are so inclined--that's what I had to do. He only gave me his name (in the "Neem" form), and then told me to "write." I'm terrible at automatic writing, so it wasn't very successful.

Last night at the "special" time, I received something totally unexpected: scenes of the "Battle of the Capitol" and the attempt to defend the Capitol. I assumed that these scenes were coming from Capitol Police Officer Brian Sitnik, who was murdered while he was defending the Capitol, but I have no proof of that. What I do know is that murder victims often have a much greater need to communicate than others, Whoever it was, I can tell you that that person is stuck in that battle and obsessed with the Capitol's defense, and his soul has not yet found peace.

That's the kind of communication I would prefer not to get, because it is upsetting. It's also part of the reason for my ambivalence toward the whole mediumistic process. I need to put up some filters, but I haven't accomplished that yet.

As to the rest, I am still without clothes, because I have found it to be important to me both psychically and physically. I will therefore end this little report with a photo as you would find me these days. Thank you all for your continued interest and enthusiasm.

Text and image Copyright © 2021 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

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