Saturday, December 12, 2020

Why Telepathy Works

These days, even many scientists (especially parapsychologists) admit that telepathy is a thing, that it happens. Unfortunately they cannot explain why, or how, it works. I am not a scientist, but I will try to explain it here, from my own experience, and based on principles that, over decades, I have come to accept. This explanation for telepathy has more extended significance, because it also provides evidence for, and helps to explain, other phenomena that are part of the human condition.

The first thing that one must know is that we do not live exclusively on the physical, material plane. We are multidimensional beings, inhabiting several planes concurrently. The next plane above the physical is the Astral (Sanskrit sukshma, meaning "subtle"). There are others above that, including the so-called Etheric, but I don't have much information about them. We inhabit these planes concurrently, and when the physical body dies, our Astral, Etheric, etc. selves do not die. What happens is that a vacancy is created on the Physical, which, for most of us, will eventually be filled through the process that we call reincarnation. We may, though, rest for a while before taking on another body. Where do we rest? On the Astral.

The Astral is also where a lot of telepathy takes place. If you receive a psychic communication from a relative or friend who has passed, it's generally coming from the Astral. You may also communicate psychically with a person who is still living on the Physical, but you will do this via the Astral. There are ways to intentionally access the Astral (easier for some individuals than others), but this most commonly happens when we are in the dream state.

The Astral is different from the Physical in several ways. It has been described as "unobstructed." "Time" and "space" are concepts that have no meaning there, You can communicate with equal ease no matter where the other person is located. You can also experience the past (for example past-life events) and the future, which are really just extensions of the present. This explains precognitive dreams.

Speaking of past lives, some of us have special abilities that we seem to have always had. In my case, the special ability is a facility for languages. But it does not work equally well across all languages and language families. This, in itself, can provide clues concerning certain past lives. These clues can be combined with DNA information and subjective feelings that we've carried around in this lifetime to help us to fill out the picture.

I hope to write more on these ideas in a future post. Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.

Text and image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.

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