Thursday, October 1, 2020

Journal of a Naked Poet XXVI - My Truth

As Nagna has said, truth is not always popular. Here's mine anyway, for whatever it's worth.

I believe that I have lived many lives. I have lived with evidence of this throughout this current life. 

I believe that the "spiritual" or "conscious" part of us survives physical death. There is also a lot of evidence for this. I do not say that we have "an immortal soul," which would be putting the cart before the horse. I say, rather, that we are multidimensional beings, living simultaneously on several different levels or planes (which in Hinduism would be called "worlds"). But those other planes do not depend on the body; it is, rather, the other way around. Everything is consciousness, and that consciousness continues.

When the body becomes non-functional, one of the planes, the physical one, becomes vacant. Sooner or later, the body will be replaced with a new one, so that the set of planes will again be complete. This is my view concerning what people commonly call "reincarnation."

This world, as physicists have discovered (rediscovered?) is an illusion. What really exists is only consciousness (or Consciousness).

Within that Consciousness, each of us is a multidimensional energy-personality-essence. Thus, I am one with my previous-life "selves," and we can communicate. We can do this in "real time" because in reality there is no time--it, too is an illusion. Distance does not matter either, as has been proven in the case of telepathy, because space is also an illusion. There is only Consciousness.

Since there is only Consciousness, we are all, in reality, One. As the song says, "One Heart, One Mind, One Love." It is only the realization of this that is difficult, and that is because of the illusion.


Text and image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.

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