Monday, October 12, 2020

95,000 Visits and 100,000 Welcomes!

 Cead mile failte! As I write this, we are passing the milestone of 95,000 visits to this poetry/writing/photography blog.

As most of you know, I am the naked poet (or a naked poet--hopefully there are others), but I hope that  my habitual, everyday nudity is not the reason for the blog's popularity (not likely, in my opinion, since I'm 78 years old).

Expression begins with freedom, and I'm trying to be as free as I can. I recommend it to everyone, but I happen to be in the position of living in an area where most of the time the climate doesn't require clothes. We are also in the fortunate position of having our own woods on the property, and the lovely trees make a perfect privacy screen.

Those 95,000 visits have come from over a hundred countries. Below is a graphic that shows the principal sources of visits over the last twenty-four hours.

In addition to the countries named in the above list, we have recently received multiple visits from Cambodia, India, Nigeria, Kosovo, Lebanon, two small Persian Gulf countries, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Australia, Netherlands, Taiwan, Russia, South Africa, and many other countries.

I am not able to explain this diversity of appeal, but I do find it very gratifying,

My interests, too, are quite varied, and the focus of the blog changes somewhat as my interests change. Currently, my mind is occupied with Advaita Vedanta and mediumship. I feel that the best way to understand the world is to understand myself, and I am trying to do that.

The abovementioned effort has resulted in the Upanishad poem-series, which currently comprises 45 parts. I am hoping that it will reach 108 parts, but that is yet to be seen.

Other interests, possibly including some of your favorites, have been temporarily placed on the back burner, but in all probability they will return.

As usual, I would like to thank you all for your continued interest and enthusiasm. Stay safe, and be well.

Text and image Copyright © 2020 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler aka Nagna Chidaananda.

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