Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I am obsessed with writing. It isn't much different from an opioid addiction, but it is legal, and no one is profiting from me except the makers of pens, notebooks, and computers. It has become something I have to do, and I can't stop.

It will never make me rich, but sometimes there is a payback. I try to break out of a bankrupt Western culture, translating Kashmiri and Sanskrit, writing in Udugi, and then, when I write something like Gymnosophia LXIII - And Adam Rested (published today, 11 September 2018), I am forced to acknowledge the depth of my European roots and cultural heritage. I may reject much of it, but it is still there.

But writing makes things clearer. I can see where we went wrong. It was pretty close to Genesis 2:21, so it was a long time ago. This culture is based on patriarchy, machismo, and male privilege. I have rejected it and actively resisted it for forty-five years, but it sure as hell is there.

Until we get past the mistakes that the ancients made in writing about Adam and Eve, and the Garden of Eden, we can never go back to it.

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