Tuesday, September 25, 2018

De Trej (Almensk)


Denna trej hava mange rutar,
o deje goa i ala direksjonar.
Om du snita af
nogon rutar,
de trej
skal vara svagarad.
Om du snita af ala,
de trej skal döa.
Det er en old trej,
nativ i mange landar.
Dets bladar o grenar
giva sjiuge
til ala.

Here is another translation of this poem, from a conlanger friend of mine:

[Occidental / Interlingue]

Ti árbor have mult radicas,
et ili ea in omni directiones.
Si tu abstrae
qualcunc del radicas,
li árbor
va esser deperit.
Si tu abstrae les tot,
it va morir.
It es un old árbor,
indigen a mult landes.
Su folies e branches
da ombre
ad omnes.

(translated by Leon)


Donald Traxler said...

The English original and several other versions were published in this blog on Sept. 20 2018. I wanted to include something Scandinavian-like because both of my maternal grandmother's parents came from Sweden, and of course spoke Swedish, as she also did as a child. They were converts to Christianity, and her father, at least, was a sincere one, who preached in Swedish at the local Lutheran church, and later at the Baptist church. I have a copy (should have the original, which my grandmother bequeathed to me) of a handmade birthday card, written in Swedish and quoting St. Paul, that Peter Jacobson, my grandmother's father, made for his sister. But his wife, Maria Bloomquist, appears to have secretly followed the earlier tradition. She was a strong, independent, and admirable woman, one of whose jobs on the farm was breaking horses.

Donald Traxler said...

I forgot to explain what Almensk is. It's one of my conlangs (constructed languages). The vocabularly (currently 8,000 words), is based on Scandinavian and English. Its grammar is simple, short, and sweet and, like English, does not include grammatical gender.

Leon said...

Hi Don, I recently came across your language Almensk while searching for conlangs or auxlangs based on Scandinavian langauges. As someone with an interest in this subject, I was wondering if you have any links to the Almensk grammar and dictionary so I can learn more about it. Thanks.

Donald Traxler said...

Leon: You may contact me at this email address: exolinguist at gmail dot com. I have alm-eng and eng-alm dictionaries (each 8,000 words), and an almensk grammar, all in .txt format.

Donald Traxler said...
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Donald Traxler said...

Leon has kindly translated the poem into Occidental / Interlingue, which I have incorporated into the body of this blog post.

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