Tuesday, September 26, 2017

What follows is not poetry; it is rage. It is rage that could not be contained except at the risk of a deep and lasting depression. It is rage against criminal injustice of which we are the victims. It is rage against all that is pure evil.

It is not only the Trump voters who have been played, though that is now obvious; it is all of us, and we are still being played. We are, first of all, being played by Vladimir Putin, whose agenda it is to weaken us and other Western countries by sowing divisions within them. We are further being played by the narcissistic moron currently masquerading as a legitimate President. Trump happily implements Putin’s agenda, pitting South against North, White against Black, NASCAR against NFL and NBA, and the flag-waving, phony patriotism of a Vietnam-war draft dodger against the legitimate protests of real patriots who want America’s symbols to really mean what they claim to mean.

Those protests, by the way, are protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution, for which Trump has little or no regard. His heroes are authoritarians such as Duterte and Erdogan (to whom the traitor Trump apologized for the faces of Americans having gotten in the way of the fists and sticks of Erdogan’s goons, on American soil).

We have a “President” who cares nothing about human rights, and lavishes adulation on dictators who care as little about them as he. In this, he is following in the footsteps of his father, who was active in the KKK. He has called White Supremacists and neo-Nazis “very fine people,” and referred to Black athletes as “sons of bitches.” His racism runs deep, which is why he sees nothing amiss in criticizing the people of Puerto Rico, who are US citizens (most of them currently lacking safe drinking water), and comparing them unfavorably to the people of Texas and Florida, instead of offering them timely disaster relief.

Trump is not a leader; he is a sower of division in the service of a foreign power. He is a modern Benedict Arnold who would sell out the country that has been good to him all his life for a few pieces of silver or a few million in Russian loans and help in stealing an election. He would divide us all to save his own sorry ass from the prison where he belongs and to distract us from what he does not want us to think about: Russia. Don’t let him do it.

Don’t let him do it.

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