Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Couple of Shots from Yesterday and Today


1) Springtime Sunbathing. You can't really tell in the photo, but I'm starting to get my base tan back. I'm being very slow and gradual, and haven't gotten sunburned yet. The pool temp is only up to 22.4°C (a little over 70°F), so I won't be going in anytime soon.
2) The Microphone Awaits. I'm concentrating on developing my YouTube channel (@dontraxler) and we'll see what comes of it. I'm quite busy, though, so the mic may just have to wait.

Text and images Copyright © 2024 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Aging Project CVII


Text and image Copyright © 2024 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Song of the New Earth


I sing the song of the New Earth,

I sing the song of the soul's rebirth,

Guided by Spirit, by words from above,

All transformed by the power of love.

We shall know at last that we are one,

Living in peace, under the sun.

In minds and hearts the future we find,

In peace, through love, for all humankind,

In peace, through love, for all humankind.

[Note: Two days ago I asked "the Universe" for a poem about the New Earth. Yesterday, after a late lunch, I felt the need for a siesta. There, in the darkened bedroom, I started getting these lines. I grabbed the notebook that I keep beside the bed and started writing.After I had finished my siesta and fed the dog, I checked what I had written. I found that every line but one had four stressed syllables (I had not counted while I was writing) I know that the mind has great powers, but I believe this poem to be channeled. I think it will eventually be a song.]

Given into the public domain by Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Aging Project CVI


Text and image Copyright © 2024 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

212k Views and Eight Years


This blog has been in existence for exactly eight years. During that time it has been many things to many people. To me it has been one of the greatest constants in my life, while I moved from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere, where my wife sadly passed away, and  back to the Southern Hemisphere. The blog that started out as a repository for my poetry, was expanded to include prose writings, translations, theories, and photographic projects. While other internet platforms came and went, or were abandoned for months at a time, this one stayed. It became a willing listener, and I could talk to it about anything. But I was really talking to you, my loyal readers, and I owe you all a debt of gratitude.

The readership of the blog was for a while skewed by circumstances, but it has now returned to normal, and here is how it looked as of last night:


So, gentle readers, I must, once again, thank you for your interest, your loyalty, and your support.

Please visualize peace, unity, and love. Thank you, merci, gracias, wadó.

Text and photo Copyright © 2024 by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Do You Want to Build the New Earth? (+fr, es, eo, ud)


Do you want to build the New Earth,

or do you want to feed the old one?

It's that simple.

Voulez-vous construire la Nouvelle Terre,

ou voulez-vous nourrir l'ancienne ?

C'est aussi simple que ça.

¿Quieres construir la Nueva Tierra,

o quieres alimentar la vieja?

Es así de simple.

Ĉu vi volas konstrui la Novan Teron,

aŭ ĉu vi volas nutri la maljunan?

Estas tiel simpla.

nihi aduladase anesgvdi itse elohine,

ale nihi aduladase gelasdodi agayvli  elohine?

nasgi gesvase hia-iyv nutsosdvna.




Sunday, September 29, 2024

There's a Naked Man in the Kitchen


Yep, there is. Why is he naked? 1) He was born that way. 2) He's more comfortable that way, especially in hot weather (or a hot kitchen). 3) He's happier that way. 4) It keeps him from getting the painful, heat-and-humidity groin rashes that he was getting before. 5) It saves on laundry, laundry detergent, detergent pollution, electricity for the washing machine, and electricity for the air conditioner, as well as saving on clothing costs. 6) It makes it way easier for him to get the Vitamin D that he needs to stay healthy and avoid depression. There are probably other reasons too, but let's just say that he likes it.

Text and image Copyright © MMXXIV by Donald C. Traxler aka Donald Jacobson Traxler.